Why does toilet paper get stuck when i wipe


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Redyellowpink · 29/09/2021 10:14

Anyone else have this issue?! I recently bought a brand that is particularly bad and it can end up looking like someone has thrown confetti down there (tmi!) I can pick it out but I'm lookin for a brand that doesnt do this. Any recommendations? I don't want to use any thing scented or flushable wipes

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Mariell · 29/09/2021 10:17

Never had this happen in my whole life! What brand was it?

We use M & S own brand or Andrew.

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Mariell · 29/09/2021 10:18

Andrex. We don’t have a person called Andrew who we wipe ourselves on.

Well, maybe if we win the lottery we will.

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samsalmon · 29/09/2021 10:19

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NightVinca · 29/09/2021 10:19

I think tesco own brand is ok. I've had it in the past with a brand my parents use, but I don't know what brand that is

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BarefootHippieChick · 29/09/2021 10:19

mariell is Andrew ever loaned out at all?

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PinkFootstool · 29/09/2021 10:20

Andrex. Lidl is hit and miss.

However, dab, don't scrub.

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Saisong · 29/09/2021 10:21

I think you might be wiping wrong if it ends up in your vagina!

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TheYearOfSmallThings · 29/09/2021 10:21

I recommend Nicky Elite. Inexpensive, strong and soft. I've never had the experience you describe, and I wonder if you may be wiping too hard? But some papers are certainly more fragile than others.

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bg21 · 29/09/2021 10:25

I don't understand this at all 😳 what are you doing with the toilet paper?

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whatswithtodaytoday · 29/09/2021 10:27

Andrex, but not the cheapest one as it has started doing that. We now get the quilted and it's fine.

Horrible when you have to sort of scrape bits off you before you can stand up!

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Wotrewelookinat · 29/09/2021 10:29

Are you wiping INSIDE your vagina?? Confused.

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midsomermurderess · 29/09/2021 10:31

I agree. Maybe reconsider your wiping technique.

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catfunk · 29/09/2021 10:31

Do you mean vulva ? 😂 Who gives a crap premium is great and cost effective.

But it sounds like you're wiping very aggressively ?

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CottonSock · 29/09/2021 10:31

I had this in lockdown and it was asda brand. Tesco doesn't do this to me.

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thelastgoldeneagle · 29/09/2021 10:33


Andrex. We don’t have a person called Andrew who we wipe ourselves on.

Well, maybe if we win the lottery we will.


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Maverickess · 29/09/2021 10:34


I don't understand this at all 😳 what are you doing with the toilet paper?

I'd have had this reaction if I didn't have the experience of the loo roll at work! It's the cheapest of the cheap, multibuy, and says it's recycled stuff and falls to bits as soon as it gets a bit erm 'damp'! We've had conversations at work about it..... Anyway 😜

Never had the issue before or have it at home either. I usually use cheap own brand stuff from supermarkets and don't get this issue at home.

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Mamamamasaurus · 29/09/2021 10:35

I assume (hope) you mean vulva. I dread to imagine how you wipe if you do mean vagina

Asda Shades here, my foof is ever lint-y

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RagzReturnsRebooted · 29/09/2021 10:37

DH and I have separate toilet roll because the one he likes does this to me! Tiny little paper bits/rolls all around my vuvla/caught in hair etc. However gently I dab and whichever direction I wipe. You're not alone OP! It is definitely a thing.
He gets Lidl's scented ones (shea or coconut) and I get their quilted, the quilted is fine.

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TheLovelinessOfDemons · 29/09/2021 10:38


Andrex. We don’t have a person called Andrew who we wipe ourselves on.

Well, maybe if we win the lottery we will.


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TheLovelinessOfDemons · 29/09/2021 10:39


I think you might be wiping wrong if it ends up in your vagina!

I was thinking that! How messy is the OP?!

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Sattherelikealemon · 29/09/2021 10:42

Why does toilet paper get stuck when i wipe
Why does toilet paper get stuck when i wipe

Andrew sounds like a Charmin guy.

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TuftyMarmoset · 29/09/2021 10:45

I use who gives a crap recycled, but can’t say I’ve had this problem with any other brand either

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NekoShiro · 29/09/2021 10:46

People who are saying they don't have this issue need to start looking at their vaginas with hand mirrors after going to the bathroom, I think you'll be surprised.

I didn't even know it was a thing until I saw a meme talking about it, showed my partner and he agreed and said pretty much every women's vagina he had seen always had little bits of toilet paper on it, it's a thing men understand and just don't bring up.

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Pemba · 29/09/2021 10:50

But the quilted stuff sometimes blocks the loo, doesn't anyone else find this? It's too thick.

I prefer Andrex Gentle Clean or Asda Shades.

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MrsRubyMonday · 29/09/2021 10:50

I will only buy cushelle extra quilted for exactly this reason. Sick of thin paper shredding as soon as it gets remotely damp, the better quality paper is definitely less prone to falling apart.

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