Why we shouldnt have homework essay

by Sophia Trujillo

Hi I’m Sophia and I think kids should have no homework! For example, when you get home are you in the mood for a pile of homework? I know I’m not. Are you with me? Well, if not, I hope you are after you read this article.

Homework, homework, and more homework! If we didn’t have homework we would have more time to participate and enjoy sports, after school clubs, and our family. I play soccer and when I come home, I have a pile of homework waiting for me. My parents work till six thirty, so I want to spend time with them, not do homework. Studies show that kids are spending three hours on homework every day.

I’m certain about not having any homework because we work all day on the lessons in school, so why do we have to do more work when we get home? Also, it’s hard to do homework without teacher support. Many times, there’s no payoff to do homework because we have worked hard all day on our class assignments. Our homework is usually a repeat of all the work that we have done during the day at school. Does that make sense to do it all over again?

In conclusion, I strongly believe that kids should not have any homework. It saves time, we already do the lessons in school, and it’s tiring. Well, is this enough to prove to you that no kid in the whole universe should not have a speck of homework to do after school?

May 19, 2010

I believe, as a student, that homework is just a tool that teachers use to keep us busy. It doesn’t really have a good purpose and there is more of a negative side to it than a positive side. Homework causes kids to get very stressed out, it causes stress in their families, and studies show that it doesn’t improve test scores. It actually shows the opposite: Duke University’s Harris Cooper found out that, “doing more than 60 to 90 min. a night in middle school and more than 2hr. in high school is associated with, gulp, lower scores.” This just shows that homework is a useless item that students are forced to do. I’m speaking from experience: From first to fourth grade, I went to a small private school in Dallas, Texas. Even though the school was very small, the homework load was the opposite. I remember crying almost every night because I would get so stressed out, and I didn’t get it at all. I had tutors, and I got help from my teachers but I still had hours and hours of homework each night in fourth grade. And not only was there a lot of homework, but it was very advanced too! In first grade I learned multiplication; in second grade I learned long division, etc. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be challenged at school; I’m just saying that the work shouldn’t be so long and hard that we start to hate school. Isn’t learning supposed to be fun? Homework has an effect on family life as well. Studies show that most kids spend more time doing homework than spending time with family and friends. Instead of being at family dinners, a child could be stuck up in his or her room doing homework. Teachers don’t give us a lot of options either: we either do the homework or take away from family time or we can choose to not do the homework and fail the class. Which would you choose? Homework can also tear the family apart. It’s usually not extreme like divorce but it defiantly causes tension between the parents and their child and between the parents. I remember hearing my mom and dad argue about switching schools, tutoring, and things like that all the time all because I had too much homework. Stress is never a good thing to have in a family. I think this problem is an easy fix and we need to do something about it. I know for a fact that less homework would’ve been better for me and my family so we should try and make it better for all American families. Most people think that homework leads to better grades and test scores. This isn’t exactly true. In fact, in most cases more homework can lead to lower scores and a hatred of school. The reason this is, is because a person can only take so much homework before the completely stop trying. If they stop trying, they will stop caring and I think we all know that this leads to low scores. Now don’t think that if you have one sheet of homework, you’re going to fail your next test. All this means is that homework in bulk will make your test scores drop significantly. Again, homework can cause stress in the child’s life. According to a national survey, the amount of time spent in homework is up to 51% since 1980. Kids shouldn’t be spending more than half of their time sitting down doing worksheets, projects, drill, etc. they should be playing outside with their friends or doing sports and extracurricular activities. While sitting down and working has its place, too much of it can lead to a very unhealthy life style. It can also be the cause of bad attitudes and other bad behavior. Children should not have to be this stressed out when they are this young!

These are just four, out of many, examples of why homework is awful. It causes stress in young kids lives, stress in their families, and it doesn’t help us improve at all. In fact, most homework is made up of drills and memorization. The kids probably don’t even remember it by next year. So is this helping our kids? No. Another interesting statistic is that the nations that do better than the United States, like Japan and Denmark, actually assign less homework. These are some reasons why I believe homework should either be completely abolished or cut down to a more manageable amount.

More than 70 percent of students have said that they have stress caused by homework almost always or often. You may not agree with me, but I think that is outrageous. Being a student, I know how homework feels, especially in middle and high school. Teachers may think we aren't getting much homework, but what they don't understand is that we most likely will get a new assignment everyday from every class we have and that is a lot to do in one night. I know
I have been stressed over homework to the point where i’m yelling at my parents because I don't get it just because I get so frustrated because there is too much or it's too hard and you don't have a teacher at home to help you. There are many reasons why we shouldn't have homework like, Children
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People might say that kids do learn and yes, they do sometimes if they get their assignment back in time.
Families could start to have issues and start to be distant with each other because of homework. Because kids go to school really early in the morning and when they get home in the afternoon they have to get started on homework right away so they can only really talk to their parents when it's dinner time and then after that it's time to go to bed. People might say that this is not true and they can still talk whenever but I have this issue because I feel like I don’t talk to my mom that much, especially because she has a night job and she has to leave for work only like two hours after I get home.

Many students struggle with homework. Every child is different, some could get everything done in an hour, but with other students it could take them all night and they wouldn't get any sleep and then they would be tired the next day. Many struggle with homework and get really stressed out and that could cause mental issues. People could say that this is not true, but over 56% of students have said or have shown that homework is the cause of their

Have you ever wanted to just shred up your homework or throw it out the window and have no consequences? Kids are assigned daily homework from the time they start kindergarten at the ripe young age of five. Is it really necessary? Does it even help better learning or even higher test scores? The amount of homework we do wastes time, money, paper, and trees because it’s practically the exact same thing we did in class that day. Homework causes kid’s and teen’s frustration, tiredness, little time for other activities and possibly even a loss of interest in their education. It also keeps everyone up; it has kids and teens staying up until they finish it, the parents trying to help them and the teachers grading it. So, I think that homework is a waste and kids and teens should choose whether they want to do their homework for extra credit and practice or not. Homework dates back to at least the time of 50 BC or so. It's not sure who invented it. Homework, it’s a waste of time, money, paper and trees. Some people don’t even do the homework or they just copy it off of others the day it’s due so, they didn’t really learn much at all. In addition, if we didn’t do the homework we may have had a doctor’s appointment or something important we had to do. But, if we did do the homework our teachers are just using their own time to grade it when they could be somewhere else enjoying life. Also, when we get it back you look at the grade then just most likely throw it away so, us and our teachers just basically stayed up for a piece of paper that was just eventually going to get thrown in the trash. Some people also just lose their homework. Homework keeps everyone up and barely any of it has any meaning. So, I think homework is a waste! Ma... ... middle of paper ... ... do we have to practice when we basically already practiced and learned all the same stuff enough in school?

Think about how much homework we’ve done since we were in kindergarten, how many times we’ve stayed up and woke up half-awake, how many time we’ve kept others awake and how much paper we’ve wasted. If you think that is a lot think of all of the students around the world doing the same. Homework isn’t that hard, it’s just too much and there isn’t a lot that has any meaning. So, I think that homework is just a piece of paper that so many people work on just to get one single grade in that barely does anything to your overall grade, it should be a voluntary/ extra credit and practice kind of thing, which basically means kids and teens should have a choice whether or not they want to do it or not and if they choose not to and fail it’s their own fault.


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