How long do dogs get stuck together when they mate?

How long do dogs get stuck together when they mate?

If you’re planning on breeding your dogs, you’ve probably done your homework on dogs mating. One of the common problems that you’re likely to have stumbled upon is dogs getting stuck during intercourse. While it may seem awkward and unnatural, this sticky situation is actually crucial in the canine kingdom. Referred to as a copulatory tie, this act can last for up to 40 minutes after the male dog has ejaculated.

In order to fully understand dogs stuck together after canine coupling, let’s take a deeper look at the subject.

Why Do Dogs Get Tied Together After Mating?

There are many different reasons why two dogs can get stuck together during the mating game. However, it’s important to understand the male dog’s erectile penis tissue. All mammals have two different types of erectile tissue. While one stiffens the penis, the other kind fills the penis glans, causing it to swell.

While most mammals have these tissues activated simultaneously, dog penises will stiffen before intercourse and won’t fully swell until the act of mating commences. Male dog genitalia have long bones, which results in small amounts of penis-swelling tissues.

Once the male dog has mounted and entered the female, the glans tissue will start to expand. This primarily happens around the base in an area referred to as the bulbus glandis. After ejaculation, the dog’s penis will drastically expand. When this happens, the bulbus glandis will grow twice as thick and three times as wide as compared to its flaccid state. At the same time, the female dog’s vaginal walls will tighten around the penis. This combination of squeezing and swelling locks the two dogs together. This also increases the chances of getting the female dog pregnant.

Image Credit: JACLOU-DL, Pixabay

Eventually, the male dog will dismount, and the two pooches will find themselves stuck together butt to butt, facing in opposite directions. This outward-facing position is theorized to be a defense tactic to keep tabs on the dogs’ surroundings. While this situation is unsettling, it will eventually end when the female dog’s genital muscles relax, and the male dog’s penis becomes flaccid.

Stages of Dog Mating

There are three main stages of canine mating. These include:

  • Mounting: This occurs when the male dog, or stud, mounts the female dog after he gets the signal that she is ready.
  • Penetration: The following stage involves the male dog successfully locating, identifying, and penetrating the female dog’s vulva. He may need a helping hand from the breeder, especially if it’s his first time.
  • Ejaculation: Once penetration occurs, the male dog will release his prostatic fluid along with his sperm into the female after he starts to hump.

You should never interfere or interrupt this mating process. Even if the dogs are whimpering in pain and you feel helpless, do not intrude. This is normal behavior, especially for novice canines. Always supervise the mating process. Your vet should be accessible if an emergency happens.

Slip Mating

Slip mating occurs when the canine coitus doesn’t happen due to the male dog withdrawing his penis before ejaculation. This can happen when his female counterpart isn’t completely prepared for the act.

To avoid slip mating, be certain that both dos are comfortable and confident. Introduce them well before the mating process takes place to prevent any discomfort.

Final Thoughts

Getting stuck together while mating is perfectly natural, and even necessary, for dogs to do. Not only does it help ensure pregnancy, but it also protects the pair while literally caught in the act.

As a breeder and pet parent, you should never interfere with the mating process. Always introduce the two dogs prior to breeding to increase their comfort levels. Having dogs stuck together is a temporary situation.

Best of all, stuck-together dogs will eventually lead to a litter of puppies that you can nurture, raise, and love.

Featured Image Credit: curraheeshutter, Shutterstock

How long do dogs get stuck together when they mate?

If you have ever watched a male and female dog mate, you may have become worried or even confused at the point where the two dogs appeared to get “stuck” together. But is getting stuck a bad thing? Is it dangerous? Should we intervene?

Let’s take a closer look at the process of canine mating.

The Copulatory Tie

During mating, a male and female dog get stuck together in what is called the “copulatory tie” or “lock”. The “copulatory tie” occurs when the bulbus glandis, an erectile tissue structure located at the base of a male dog’s penis, engorges with blood. This happens just after the male inserts his penis into the female’s vagina and he begins to thrust. The bulbus glandis swells quickly and forms a spherical enlargement, twice the diameter of the shaft of the penis. The circular muscles located just inside the female’s vagina, called the constrictor vestibuli muscles, contract against the bulbus glandis, completing the lock and preventing the penis from being withdrawn. The two dogs are now tied together.

Image Credit: pittaya, Shutterstock

The Breeding Act

Normal mating behavior in dogs begins with the male dog sniffing a female dog that is in heat. If the female is receptive, she will present her hindquarters to him, stand still, and hold or “flag” her tail to the side. The male dog will proceed to mount the female, hold onto either side of her back with his forelimbs, insert his penis into her vagina, and begin to thrust. During this phase, the male dog also ejaculates the pre-sperm fraction of his ejaculate. It is at this time that the “copulatory tie” happens — the bulbus glandis enlarges and the female’s vaginal muscles clamp around the bulbus glandis, preventing the penis from being withdrawn. The dog stops thrusting as soon as the “copulatory tie” is achieved and then ejaculates the sperm-rich fraction of his ejaculate. With their genital organs still locked together, the male dog will dismount and turn 180 degrees, which will result in the male and female facing in opposite directions. The male dog will then ejaculate the post-sperm fraction of his ejaculate over the next 5 to 30 minutes while continuing to stay locked with the female.

Image Credit: High Simple, Shutterstock

What Is The Purpose Of The Copulatory Tie?

The purpose of the copulatory tie is to keep the male and female joined together during and after ejaculation. This traps the semen inside of the female and increases the chances that the male’s sperm will successfully fertilize the female’s eggs. On average, female dogs only go into heat every 6 months, so this strategy helps maximize the chances that conception will occur and the female will produce a litter of puppies.

Does a Copulatory Tie Mean My Dog Is Pregnant?

As with people and other animals, when two dogs mate, it does not always result in pregnancy. Separating dogs that are stuck together during mating will not prevent pregnancy. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary for a copulatory tie to occur for a dog to become pregnant, although the tie does increase the chances of conception. The best way to prevent pregnancy in a female dog is to sterilize her. During this procedure, the female dog’s uterus and ovaries are surgically removed to prevent future pregnancies. This procedure is known as a spay or an ovariohysterectomy.

If your unspayed female dog accidentally mates with another dog, there are mismating injections that can be administered by your veterinarian within one to two days after mating. Unfortunately, these injections do carry risks and shouldn’t be given too often.

Image Credit: curraheeshutter, Shutterstock

What Should I Do If a Dog Gets Stuck During Mating?

Do not interfere with dogs during this process or attempt to separate them as you can seriously injure both the male and female dog. Even if one or both of the dogs appear to be in pain or discomfort, it is best to leave them alone until they separate naturally. If it is a dog’s first time mating or it is an inexperienced breeder, it may experience some pain and anxiety during the mating process. You will only make it worse if you try to separate them.

The copulatory tie is totally normal and is an important part of canine breeding behavior. Separation of the male and female will happen naturally once the bulbus glandis is no longer engorged. The copulatory tie lasts anywhere from 5 to 60 minutes.

Featured Image Credit: curraheeshutter, Shutterstock

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