How to get a hacker banned on roblox

A ban is a form of account suspension that can occur when a player violates the Terms of Use or Community Standards on Roblox. If the violation is serious, such as phishing, scamming, adult content, hacking, game theft, or violation of federal law, accounts can be deleted without any prior notices or commands.

In this guide, we will let you know how to get banned in Roblox.

Ban levels

How to get a hacker banned on roblox

Bans can be severe or minor depending on the offense and users can be banned for different lengths of time, temporary or permanent ban.

There are many Current bans in Roblox right now such as:

  • In-experience ban: A user is kicked and/or banned from an experience by its administrators via admin command scripts.
  • Warning: A user can get back into their account right away if they agree to the ToU. This level is sometimes used to provide users with feedback about their creations.
  • 1-day ban: 24 hours from the time the moderation was initiated.
  • 3-day ban: 72 hours from the time the moderation was initiated.
  • 1-week ban: 1 week from the time the moderation was initiated.
  • Account deletion/termination: The account has been closed and can not automatically be reopened.
  • Poison ban (1year/Permanent): The account has been closed and account creation is disabled.
  • MAC Address ban (Error 0x1): A device becomes unable to access Roblox Player or publish in Roblox Studio
  • IP ban (7 days): Everyone on the same IP is blocked from accessing Roblox for 1 week, and can’t view any pages on Roblox for 1 week.
  • Invalid Credentials ban (Permanent IP ban): Everyone on the same IP is blocked from accessing Roblox permanently, and can’t view any pages on Roblox permanently.

Reasons to get banned

These reasons may appear in the content section of the moderation screen.

Note: This list is incomplete as per the recent platform update.

  • Adult content
  • Ban Evasion
  • Cheat and Exploits
  • Exploiting Children
  • Encouraging Dangerous Behavior
  • Dating and Romantic Content
  • Directing Users Off-Platform/Off-site links
  • Discriminatory
  • Harassment
  • Inappropriate
  • Misusing Roblox System
  • Phishing/Scam
  • Privacy
  • Profanity
  • Real-Life Tragedy
  • Unauthorized payments/charges
  • Scamming
  • Spam
  • Extortion and Blackmail
  • Privacy: Asking for PII
  • Illegal and Regulated Content
  • Sharing personal Info
  • Sexual Content
  • False Bans
  • Mass Reporting
  • Other
  • None of the Above
How to get a hacker banned on roblox

Roblox is one of the biggest games in the world and is very popular with children. However, the gaming platform is repeatedly plagued by hackers. Now players were automatically banned by an exploit. The alleged hackers say they have more attacks planned.

What was that exploit? Roblox is a kind of huge construction kit in which players can develop their own game modes and play them together with others. The game is extremely successful, had over 150 million monthly active players during the corona pandemic and is more valuable on the stock exchange than Activision Blizzard.

However, the servers created by other players also carry a certain risk. There was an exploit in chat moderation on some of these servers. The automatic moderation was fooled into believing that the player who joined had said bad things. This was apparently followed by an automatic ban.

Roblox developers confirmed to PCGamesNthat such a problem occurred. Players are encouraged to report malicious content and initiate an appeal process if they believe they have been unfairly banned.

Hackers and other problems surrounding Roblox are nothing new. We already wrote about it in early 2022:

Report shows: The world’s largest gaming platform for children is a hacker’s paradise

Alleged hackers say, “We’re just doing this for fun”

Who is behind this exploit? That’s not entirely clear. According to the Roblox RTC Twitter account, the owner of the server became Crosswinds [A.2] permanently blocked. He was probably the first user to use this exploit.

According to Roblox RTC, the popular “Kohl’s Admin” plugin was also suspect. However, it turned out that probably only copies of the plugin that were used for other servers.

In this context, however, Roblox RTC shared a statement from Discord user Syntax 64. He claims to be behind the campaign together with others. They wanted to send a wake-up call to the developers, because the problem is said to have been known to them for more than a year.

However, Roblox’s ignorant behavior makes the attackers want to continue:

Just to be clear, we’re not pretending to be noble people helping Roblox keep being lazy and patching their platform. I personally don’t care what happens because I’ve already lost hope for the company as a whole. We’re just here now and doing it for fun. We don’t care what kind of influence our action has on cooperations.

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How can I protect myself from such attacks or exploits? Basically, you should not trust anyone in Roblox. Especially in children’s accounts, the option “Nobody” should be selected in the “Privacy” area for the option: “Who can chat with me”.

You should also check exactly which servers are being played on. It also plays a role here which settings have been made in the account. If the correct age has been entered for children, servers that are more violent will be hidden.

You can find out more about safety in our interview with Laura Higgins, Director of Community Safety and Digital Civility at Roblox Corporation: Roblox has been a large social network for children since Corona – but these dangers are lurking.

Even though much of the article sounds like Roblox has some problems, the game is still very popular with children and offers many opportunities. In his 2019 article, our former author Andreas Bertits revealed how parents can best deal with the topic:

“Dad, I want more Robux!” – How to deal with my gamer kids

turns out I decide to come online and my character is changed. the guy who hacked me was maxmaxmax888 (i can tell by my transactions). what can I do?

How to get a hacker banned on roblox
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Last Updated: July 20, 2022

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 58 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

This article has been viewed 104,169 times.

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Are you scared of being reported and banned for doing something wrong on Roblox? As long as you follow these steps, you can avoid being reported or banned on Roblox and have a smooth-sailing gaming experience.


  1. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't use bad words or words similar to bad words, such as mince oaths or abbreviated forms of curse words. Many Robloxians use cuss words, but keep in mind that children as young as three or four play Roblox. The children that can read might be able to pick up on the words you use and can register that in their minds. If you find yourself about to curse, quickly delete the curse word so that you don't get in trouble.

  2. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't be inappropriate. Don't talk about drugs, immoral actions, gangs, cursing, inappropriate songs, and any other topics that are crude. If you do so, some players can find out and can report you for this talk.

    • Remember that Roblox can read the chat log for proof.

  3. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't tell other people you're an admin (administrator). If you tell everyone that you're an admin, they will probably not believe you. If you have read Roblox's safety rules, they say that if anyone claims to say they're the administrator when they aren't, players will have to report them and Roblox will check the bad behavior out. However, it may not apply to anyone with admin scripts used for a specific game.

  4. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Do not hack the game. Similarly, do not exploit bugs on the website that give you unfair advantages on purpose and claiming you're the game's admin. Nobody wants to be on a server with a hacker, especially if you're disrupting everyone's game by having players constantly resetting against their will.

  5. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't ask for passwords or give false hope to other players about getting Robux. Some players might say such as, "Builderman gave me a hack to give me 9999999 robux, copy and paste this on 8 hats, log in and log out and you'll get the robux." It's not true, though; how could you get Robux just for copying, pasting, logging in, and then logging out? If you do that, you'll make yourself look like a fool!

  6. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't online date. While this may seem harmless, it really isn't. For starters, remember that kids can be reading your conversations on the main chat and might think that online dating is okay to do. Another thing to consider is that people you might try to online date with can really be someone else. You might be online dating with a forty-year-old man whose Roblox character is dressed as a teenage girl. The Roblox rules also prohibit online dating; so you really don't want to be violating those.

  7. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't spam in games. It can be funny to repeat something silly or random over and over in the chat, but this becomes annoying over time.

  8. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't create games that are inappropriate or encourage vile actions, such as murder, drugs, or immoral actions. You need to constantly remember that children play Roblox, and they don't need to be clicking on games that they think are fine to play when their parents aren't around. Some kids who can't even read yet play Roblox, and they might try out games that seem appealing but are actually completely wrong for them to be trying out.

    • If you make games about inappropriate actions, you will have a 98% chance that your game will be taken down and will be either warned or banned once the Roblox staff receives a complaint from a user about your game and has been reviewed.

  9. How to get a hacker banned on roblox
    How to get a hacker banned on roblox


    Don't be unkind in a game. Even if someone else starts a fight, don't pick it up. Doing so might encourage other players to report the other player and you for arguing.

    • If the person keeps arguing with you even if you've made it clear that you're not wanting to fight with them, simply report the player and put in a command to mute the player (/mute [insert player's username]).

Community Q&A

  • Question

    If the admin says cuss words, and he says I did it, why would I be banned without a reason?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    It depends on if you have evidence to show that. If he is blaming it on you, and he did it, then he would have to have evidence. If you have evidence, you won't get a ban.

  • Question

    Do I have any recourse if I am banned?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    You can contact Roblox if you believe the decision was unfair.

  • Question

    Can I be banned for saying someone is a hacker?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    No you won't be banned but you have to have evidence. If the person is not a hacker, then it is just name calling, which can be reported. Don't assume anything, always have facts to show to the moderators.

  • Question

    Can I get in trouble if my friend hacks on Roblox?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    If your friend is using your account for hacking, yes. If he is on his own account and you're not involved in any way, no.

  • Question

    Can I get banned for looking very similar to an administrator or moderator?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    Copying a look has nothing to do with Roblox's terms of service, so you should be OK.

  • Question

    I can't log in for some reason. It says "we need to make sure you are not a robot!" Could anyone help me with this?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    It usually says that when there is a captcha that you need to complete. You just need to type the letters that you see in the image, or whatever other instructions it gives you. If no image is showing up, try refreshing the page or using a different browser.

  • Question

    Can you actually get banned for spamming, though? Because people keep spamming and saying that the report button doesn't do anything.

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    No, you can't. Everyone spams and no one gets punished for it, it's very annoying.

  • Question

    Can you get banned for defending yourself?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    It depends what you do. Excessive swearing or hacking are a certain ban, while things like minor swearing or reporting should not usually get you banned.

  • Question

    I got blocked by someone for no reason, not banned. What do I do?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    Blocking is just a personal thing. If a person does not like you, then they can block you and cut off all social interactions from you within Roblox. Sometimes, they might forget why they blocked you or it could've been an accident. If the blocker has a social media profile that is listed on their account, try disputing the situation.

  • Question

    Is it true that my account can be terminated after five bans?

    How to get a hacker banned on roblox

    Community Answer

    Yes, this is true.

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  • Make sure to double check that your game is free of all rule breakers. Games that violate the guidelines can be noticed quickly and affect your game play.

  • Be kind to other players, no matter how rude they might be to you.

  • Don't use copyrighted materials for your games. Roblox is currently tracking any copyrighted games down which will result in 3 strikes. The first strike is a warning. Two more strikes will result in account deletion.


  • You can be banned up to a week for even the smallest of offenses, so be sure to read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of ROBLOX before playing.

  • When an account is first switched to (or started out on) Safechat, the filter is incredibly aggressive and may prevent you from communicating properly due to all the false alarms the filter will raise that you can't see. This effect fades gradually over the course of 2 months. This is a double-edged sword; "Please talk to my sister" is often filtered to "Please talk to my ######", for example.

  • Breaking the rules one too many times can result in account deletion or IP ban. or a temporary ban, depending on what it was.

  • Do not include inappropriate symbols, emojis, or words in your profile bio. Kids can read this and pick up on certain things that they shouldn't be picking up.

  • Don't tell anyone your real information, whether in off-game or in-game chatting.

  • Do not dress your character as nude or as something inappropriate.

  • Do not use inappropriate songs or words in the chat.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 58 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 104,169 times.

Co-authors: 58

Updated: July 20, 2022


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Categories: Roblox

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