How to get rid of mold from water damage

If you’ve got mold from water damage in your home, you probably want to know what to do about it and how to get it removed quickly. Household mold has been associated with all sorts of health problems, some of them quite serious or even life-threatening, including respiratory problems, pneumonia, migraines, asthma attacks, and allergic reactions. Infants, elderly people and those with pre-existinghealth problems are most at risk but anyone can be affected. You can learn more about mold-related health problems here.

Of course, if you’re dealing with house water damage, you’ve already got repairs that will need to be made. Mold growth can cause further damage to your home, leading to the need for additional repairs. You can read more about how mold can damage your home.

Dealing with the water damage and any resulting mold as soon as possible is the best way to protect both your home and your health.

Dealing with Mold from Water Damage

There are several steps to take when dealing with mold related to water damage.

  1. Find the cause of the water damage. Sometimes it’s obvious.  If there has been a flood at your house, water damage will likely be extensive and you’ll know right where the water is coming from. In other cases, though, you’ll need to do some investigating to figure out why there is water on the kitchen floor or why there are water stains on your ceiling.
  2. Stop the water from coming in. If you have a leaky pipe, for instance, you’re going to have to fix it. It does no good to clean up mold and fix the water-damaged floorboards beneath the pipe if water continues to leak out onto the new floor as fast as you can wipe it up.
  3. Clean up any excess water. That might be as simple as wiping it up with a towel but if there has been a lot of water, additional measures may be needed. To remove excess water from carpet, you may need to use a shop vac. You may need to bring in fans to help dry out a room. In the event of a flooded basement, you may have to have a professional bring in a pump to remove the water. This can take several days if there is a lot of water in the basement because only two or three feet of water should be removed per day to prevent sudden changes in water pressure causing the walls to crack.
  4. Remove moldy materials. This includes furniture, carpet, drywall, and anything else that can be removed from the room. To prevent the spread of mold to other areas of the home while moldy materials are being carried out, everything should be secured in heavy plastic trash bags. Of course, you should wear protective equipment when handling moldy materials and while cleaning up mold, including an N-95 or N-99 face mask. Here is more about protective gear for use when cleaning up mold.
  5. Remove any water-damaged materials that will need to be replaced at the same time. For instance, drywall that has been damaged by water will need to be replaced even if there is no mold from water damage present.
  6. Clean any remaining moldy surfaces with a fungicide designed to kill mold. Many people use bleach to clean up mold but the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (NORMI) recommends against using bleach for that purpose. While bleach may kill mold, it doesn’t always work and it can damage many surfaces. There are also health risks associated with the use of bleach. You can read more about why using bleach to kill mold is not a good idea, and learn about products designed to kill mold.
  7. Allow the area to dry completely before making repairs or replacing any items you removed.
  8. Make the necessary repairs.
  9. When repairing water-damaged rooms, consider making improvements to help prevent or at least minimize future damage and mold growth. For instance, put down tile or linoleum flooring instead of carpet in rooms with high humidity or where spills are common, like kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms. Consider using mold-resistant paint on walls, as well.

How to get rid of mold from water damage
Mold from leak

For Help Dealing with Mold from Water Damage

If this all seems like a very big job, well, it often is. The average homeowner may not have all the know-how or equipment needed to complete the job. You can call in a professional to help with some of the work or to do the whole job for you, whatever best meets your needs.

In some situations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends hiring a professional, such as when your home has been flooded, when mold covers a large surface area, or when there is mold in your home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The EPA also recommends consulting your physician before cleaning up mold yourself if you have mold-related health problems or health problems that might be made worse by exposure to mold, like asthma. Check with your doctor if you have any questions about whether it is safe for you to do the work yourself.

If you need help with mold removal, you can schedule a free in-home consultation with a mold remediation professional. The EPA advises homeowners to look for mold remediation professionals that adhere to the industry standards established by professional organizations like the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). To find experienced professionals offering free consultations in your area, just follow the link.

And if you need help repairing water damage to your home, including help pumping water out of your basement, you can find qualified contractors here.

If you’re worried about cost – because water damage repair and associated mold removal can be expensive – your homeowners insurance policy may cover some or all of the cost. Contact your insurance agent to find out what your policy covers. 

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Ref: EPA

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How to get rid of mold from water damage

Mold is incredibly common and can be found in many properties throughout the United States. One of the reasons for mold being found in so many homes is that it easily grows in indoor spaces that are exposed to moisture, damp air, and insufficient sun exposure.

Some types of mold are great, like the kind that is used to make different types of cheeses. However, the mold that grows in your home can cause health troubles, allergies, and permanent damage.  Water damage mold can grow quite quickly and be extremely dangerous if you don’t get rid of it.

Let’s take a closer look at how water causes mold to grow, why it’s harmful, and how to properly test for it in your home.

1. Water Leaks in Your Home that Can Cause Mold

First off, how long does it take for mold to grow?

It only takes 24 to 48 hours for mold spores to begin growing on damp surfaces. This is why you must be able to identify the common ways that water can creep into your home and cause mold to grow. Let’s discuss some of the biggest culprits:

A. Roof Leaks

How to get rid of mold from water damage

Small roof leaks may not seem like they would cause a lot of damage, but the destructive power of water should never be underestimated. A leaking roof doesn’t stop at structural damage. It also poses serious health and safety risks.

Continuous water intrusion from roof leaks doesn’t stop in the attic, either. Water will often creep down from the attic all the way to the foundation if given the opportunity. This causes extensive damage along the way and creates more opportunities for mold to grow.

B. Flooding

How to get rid of mold from water damage

If your home or basement is flooded, even just a little bit, you must test it for mold quickly.  As mentioned earlier, it only takes a day or two for mold spores to start colonizing. However, it could take weeks for the mold to become visible. Since flooding creates a humid environment, microorganisms from mold spores can fill the air and spread rapidly throughout a home.

C. Malfunctioning AC Units

How to get rid of mold from water damage

When an AC unit is working as it should, it acts as a dehumidifier [JB1] for your home. This means that it cycles excess indoor moisture and removes it from your home. However, if your AC unit has a clogged drainage tube, it can start to leak water and grow mold both in and around the unit.

D. Damp Laundry

How to get rid of mold from water damage

If your clothes remain damp for a few days, they can start to grow mold. This is especially likely to happen if you leave your moist clothes in a cool, dark place. Mold can spread to additional clothing items nearby.

It’s nearly impossible to remove mold from clothes, so you will likely end up having to throw them out. No tangible item is worth risking damage to your home or health.

E. Plumbing Leaks

How to get rid of mold from water damage

Leaky plumbing can cause a variety of problems – including the eventual growth of mold and mildew. As pipes are typically located within the walls or behind fixtures, leaks often go undetected causing moisture buildup behind walls, under flooring, and in ceilings.

By the time the leak is discovered, mold has often already begun to grow. Some common signs of undetected water damage and mold growth from pipe leaks are:

  • Audible water dripping or rushing within the walls
  • A general musty smell around the walls or flooring
  • Visible discoloration on walls, ceilings, and baseboards

A mold inspector can perform mold testing with both air quality tests and surface sampling to verify the presence of mold in a structure. These tests will help determine the species and quantity of mold present so the remediation process used will be as thorough and effective as possible.

F. Other Ways Water Damage Mold Can Form

  • Condensation on the inside of a window
  • Inside of roof gutters
  • Pipe Leaks
  • Spills that aren’t properly cleaned up
  • Rooms without sunlight exposure (i.e. basement, attic, storage)
  • Lack of good ventilation
  • Failing to clean regularly in damp areas
  • Crawl spaces and small, hidden areas that are never checked or cleaned

2. Can Mold Cause Health Problems?

How to get rid of mold from water damage

There are thousands of different types of mold, [JB2] some of which can cause allergies, infections, cancer, and even death.

Exposure to toxic mold is especially dangerous to children and people with compromised immune systems. A person who is immunocompromised might develop a lung infection from mold or illnesses that lead to long-term issues and, in some cases, death.

Children are at a higher risk of developing respiratory illnesses from moist air and mold particles. In fact, children who live in a moldy home are five times more likely to develop asthma than those who don’t.

Even healthy people can develop health troubles from the indoor mold when it overruns their home, or they inhale large amounts of airborne spores. Approximately 25% of the population is genetically prone to developing illnesses from mold as their bodies are unable to fight the toxicity.

Toxic mold exposure can cause the following symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Coughing
  • Depression
  • Eye Irritation
  • Memory loss
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Runny Nose
  • Skin Rash
  • Sneezing

A. Harmful Mold Classifications

How to get rid of mold from water damage

The most harmful types of molds are part of these three classifications.

1) Allergenic Mold

Allergenic molds cause or trigger allergic reactions. This can be especially harmful to people who have an underlying respiratory issue or those who are sensitive to airborne allergies.

2) Pathogenic Mold

Pathogenic molds can cause infections and worsen underlying health problems. If pathogenic mold is inhaled for long periods, it may cause lung infections such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

3) Toxigenic Mold

Toxigenic molds are some of the most common and dangerous to inhale. This mold likes to hide in the darkest parts of a home and can spread rapidly.

B. How can Mold Damage a Home?

How to get rid of mold from water damage

Along with adverse health effects, mold can also damage your home by taking over large areas that require removal or even demolitions to eliminate. It can be expensive to remove mold and may even require that you replace personal items and furniture along the way.

Mold can break down the wood, drywall, tiles, and other materials throughout a home. The national average cost for mold removal starts at around $2,500. This cost will be much higher for larger spaces or more complex situations such as crawl space water intrusion, or water damage from a second story damaging the first floor. In that case, water restoration and mold remediation must take place for both levels of the property. Consequently, the price for restoration will go up when there is more mold present, as it must be carefully removed. Identifying mold in your home early on can eliminate the need for expensive mold remediation and repairs, which saves you both money and overall well-being.

3. How Can You Test for Mold?

There are many ways in which you can test for mold on your own. You can purchase an at-home mold test from almost all hardware stores. However, you should be wary of the accuracy [JB3] of these tests. These tests have been known to give false results. In some cases, unopened test kits have even been moldy upon purchase.

Further, testing for mold is something that should be done by a properly certified, experienced mold inspector/hygienist as it is quite complicated or even dangerous. If you do not know much about mold, you may not read the results correctly. There is also the possibility of test result contamination if you do not follow the correct chain of custody during the testing process.

If your home was exposed to water damage and you believe it might contain mold, the best way to find out is through a professional inspection and testing. Unlike at-home tests, certified professional mold inspectors can accurately detect where the mold is growing, the source of it, and the severity of mold growth.

This is where we come in.

GPMI is a professional mold inspection and testing service in southern California. Our team of mold inspectors is all ACAC certified and specializes solely in mold testing and mold inspection rather than removal. We only use unbiased 3rd party laboratories to avoid any conflict of interest and provide the most superior mold testing services in Southern California.

How to get rid of mold from water damage

We offer various types of mold tests:

  • Direct Sample: Testing of a visible mold-like substance to determine which type of mold is present in the home.
  • Wall Cavity: We will collect a sample from inside wall cavities between drywall panels to check for any presence of mold in this hard-to-reach area.
  • Air Quality Testing: This tells us the type and quantity of mold spores present in the air.
  • DNA/ ERMI/ SIM Mold Screen Testing: This test determines the scope and type of mold inside a home and gives us an idea of where it’s developed from.

After we thoroughly test a home for mold, we provide our clients with a detailed written report of our findings. We include what types of molds were found as well as any bacteria or allergens detected. We also include the scope of necessary work. If it turns out that your home needs repairs or mold removal, you will have to show this report to a professional mold remediation company.

In Conclusion:

Mold could be hiding in your home, putting you, your family, and your beloved animals at risk of illnesses. If your home has been exposed to water damage or moisture exposure, we recommend that you have a properly certified professional and experienced mold inspection company that only uses unbiased 3rd party AIHA certified laboratories to inspect and conduct necessary testings. Comprehensive Mold inspections are accurate and can protect your family from living in an unhealthy environment.

To schedule a free consultation or schedule a mold inspection with GP Inspect, call (949) 239-3727 or contact us on our website.