What is example of reciprocal pronouns?

What Are Reciprocal Pronouns?

The Sixth Sense is a famous American movie. The 1999 film tells the story of a young boy who has an unusual issue. He claims that he can see dead people.

In the film, the boy describes his problem:

"I see dead people....Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see..."

Today on Everyday Grammar, we will explore some of the words that you just heard. We also will explain a pronoun that the boy used – the words “each other.” This term is an example of a reciprocal pronoun.

But first, let's start with a few definitions.


Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun. Words such as I, me, or my are personal pronouns. The word you choose depends on how it is used in a sentence. For example, personal pronouns can act as the subject or object. They can also show possession. This is known as the possessive case.

When using the first person, the subject pronoun is I, and the object pronoun is me. The possessive pronoun is my. Some grammar books use the term possessive adjective in place of the term possessive pronoun.*

Reciprocal pronouns

What exactly are reciprocal pronouns?

Reciprocal is a word that describes a relationship in which people or groups do something similar, as in this sentence:

Mark helped Bob, and Bob helped Mark.

In newspapers, you might read about reciprocal trade agreements. Consider an imaginary trade deal between two countries. Country A reduces taxes on goods from Country B. And in return, Country B lowers taxes on goods from Country A.

In grammar, reciprocal pronouns are pronouns that refer to a previously named noun. They suggest that one person or group does something to or for another person or group. In exchange, that person or group does something to or for the first person or group.

Luckily, there are only two reciprocal pronouns you need to know. They are “each other” and “one another.”

Consider our earlier example.

Mark helped Bob, and Bob helped Mark.

With a reciprocal pronoun, the sentence would become:

Mark and Bob helped each other.

The pronoun each other refers to two people: Mark and Bob.

Reciprocal pronouns have two common uses. First, they can act as objects referring to previously named nouns, as in our example about Mark and Bob.

Second, they can act as determiners - words that mark nouns - in the possessive case. Here is an example:

Mark and Bob even do each other’s homework!

Now you might be wondering about the second reciprocal pronoun, “one another.” How is it different from “each other?”

In general, “each other” refers to two nouns, while “one another” refers to three or more nouns. Here is an example:

All the players on the team help one another with their homework.

Knowing the difference between “each other” and “one another” is important for a very strict writing test.

But to be honest, when talking with a native English speaker, you do not need to worry too much about the difference. Sometimes native speakers use “each other” to refer to three or more.

What is most important is that you understand the idea of reciprocal pronouns and how they act in a sentence.

Closing thoughts

At the beginning of this report, you heard a few lines from the movie The Sixth Sense:

"They don't see each other."

You will hear native English speakers use reciprocal pronouns in many other films, television shows, and news stories. Listen carefully to how native speakers use them.

A piece of advice for you. When you use “each other” in speaking, pay careful attention to the “ch” sound at the end of “each.” It is a difficult sound for speakers of many languages.

I’m John Russell.

John Russell wrote this story for VOA Learning English. George Grow was the editor.

*There are alternate forms of the possessive case. My and mine are two examples. My acts as a determiner - a marker of a noun. Mine takes the place of the noun head word.


Words in This Story

pronoun – n. grammar: a word (such as I, he, she, you, it, we, or they) that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase

grammar – n. the whole system of a language or of languages

refer to - v. to have a direct connection or relationship to (someone or something)

previously – adv. formerly; earlier or before

strict – adj. severe; firm or uncompromising

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A reciprocal pronoun is a pronoun that expresses mutual action or relationship. In English the reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another.

Some usage guides insist that each other should be used to refer to two people or things, and one another to more than two. As Bryan Garner has observed, "Careful writers will doubtless continue to observe the distinction, but no one else will notice" (Garner's Modern American Usage, 2009).

See also:

  • Anaphora (Grammar)
  • Reference
  • "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."
    (John F. Kennedy, in a speech prepared for delivery on the day of his assassination, November 22, 1963)
  • "Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated."
    (Martin Luther King, Jr., Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958)
  • "All birds and animals talk to one another--they really have to, in order to get along."
    (E.B. White, The Trumpet and the Swan. Harper & Row, 1970)
  • "The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animal."
    (H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926)
  • "There is no such thing as the StateAnd no one exists alone;Hunger allows no choiceTo the citizen or the police;

    We must love one another or die."

    (W.H. Auden, "September 1, 1939")
  • "People whose grandparents were all long-lived and lived with the family, shoot each other before they are 40."
    (Robert Benchley, "How Long Can You Live?" The Benchley Roundup. Harper & Row, 1954)
  • "[W]ith a gasp of exasperation he rips away a great triangular piece [of the map] and tears the large remnant in half and, more calmly, lays these three pieces on top of each other and tears them in half, and then those six pieces and so on until he has a wad he can squeeze in his hand like a ball."
    (John Updike, Rabbit, Run. Alfred A. Knopf, 1960)
  • "They all come together and Tohero introduces Margaret: 'Margaret Kosko, Harry Angstrom, my finest athlete, it's a pleasure for me to be able to introduce two such wonderful young people to one another.'"
    (John Updike, Rabbit, Run. Alfred A. Knopf, 1960)
  • "Each other and one another are known as the reciprocal pronouns. They serve either as determiners (in the possessive case) or as objects, referring to previously named nouns: Each other generally refers to two nouns; one another to three or more."
    (Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar. Allyn and Bacon, 1998)
  • "In modern English, most people normally use each other and one another in the same way. Perhaps one another is preferred (like one) when we are making very general statements, and not talking about particular people."
    (Michael Swan, Practical English Usage. Oxford Univ. Press, 1995)
  • A Practical Grammar: In Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices, and Their Relation to Each Other
    (Title of a textbook by Stephen W. Clark, published by A. S. Barnes, 1853)
  • "Prescriptive style commentators have tried to insist that each other should be used between two people only, and one another when more than two were concerned. Yet Fowler (1926) spoke firmly against this distinction, arguing it had 'neither present utility nor a basis in historical usage.' His judgment is confirmed in citations recorded in the Oxford Dictionary (1989) and Webster's English Usage (1989)."
    (Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004)

Reciprocal pronouns are words that are used to indicate a mutual relationship between two subjects or objects. ‘Each other’ and ‘one another’ are the only two reciprocal pronouns in the English language. Go through the following topics to have a better understanding of how to use reciprocal pronouns in sentences.

Definition of a Reciprocal Pronoun

The term, ‘reciprocal’ is defined as “involving two people or groups who agree to help each other or behave in the same way to each other”, according to the Oxford Learners’ Dictionary. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a reciprocal pronoun is defined as “a pronoun (such as each other) used when its referents are predicted to bear the same relationship to one another.”

Examples of Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns are used to indicate that the actions in a sentence are reciprocated. Have a look at the following examples of reciprocal pronouns and how to use them in sentences.

Reciprocal Pronouns


Each other

Rachel and Ross love each other.

One another

My brother and my cousin were blaming one another

Test Your Knowledge of Reciprocal Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reciprocal pronouns:

1. They were not able to see __________.

2. Davis and Ally could not stand __________.

3. The children were fighting with ____________.

4. Fred and Jess gave ___________ gifts.
5. The criminals blamed _______________.

Check your answers here:

1. They were not able to see each other.

2. Davis and Ally could not stand each other.

3. The children were fighting with each other.

4. Fred and Jess gave one another gifts.
5. The criminals blamed one another.

Reciprocal pronouns are words that are used to indicate a mutual relationship between two subjects or objects. Reciprocal pronouns are used to indicate that the actions in a sentence are reciprocated.

The term, ‘reciprocal’ is defined as “involving two people or groups who agree to help each other or behave in the same way to each other”, according to the Oxford Learners’ Dictionary. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a reciprocal pronoun is defined as “a pronoun (such as each other) used when its referents are predicted to bear the same relationship to one another.”

‘Each other’ and ‘one another’ are the only two reciprocal pronouns in the English language.