Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight

Which scenario is most likely the one shown on the graph?

-The total amount of money in the cash register, y, containing $50 in change and small bills and x $100 bills
-The total number of puzzle pieces, y, in a brand new 50-piece puzzle, and x brand-new 100-piece puzzles
-The total weight of the barbell, y, where the bar weighs 50 pounds and x 100-pound weights are added to it
-The total number of calories, y, in a salad with vegetables containing 50 calories topped with x ounces of salad dressing at 100 calories per ounce

Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight

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Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight. Which ordered pair is a viable solution if x rep




Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight

Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight

Which equation and scenario are most likely shown in the graph below?

y = 8 + 4 x; the total cost, y, of buying a single copy of a book that costs $8 and x copies of a book that costs $4 

y = 8 + 4 x; the total weight, y, of a suitcase weighing 8 pounds that contains 4 pairs of pants weighing x pounds each

y=8 – 4 x; the total amount of water, y, left in a glass that started with 8 ounces, after 4 ounce servings are poured into x glasses

y=8 – 4 x; the total distance, y, left from the 8-mile relay after 4 people have each run a distance of x miles each


Guest Jan 15, 2015

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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight

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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight
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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight
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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight
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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight
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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight
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    Each day that a library book is kept past its due date, a $0.30 fee is charged at midnight
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