Far Cry 6 save game location

After a long time of eager waiting, fans of the Far Cry series finally got their hands on Ubisoft‘s latest present to gamers. Ubisoft finally released their newest addition to the Far Cry series; Far Cry 6. The reason for this game’s hype was not only its intense gameplay of revolutionary fighting (yes, literally fighting for a revolution) but also because it features our favorite person, Gus Fring! Okay I mean Giancarlo Esposito but hey you know who I’m talking about. By reading this guide you can find the Far Cry 6 Save File on your computer.

If you want to find your save file locally on your PC, then you can follow this guide. Hopefully, you’re not finding this save file to cheat in any kind of way as that way you risk ruining your playing experience.

Guide to finding the Far Cry 6 Save File Location

You could want the save file to maybe delete it if it got corrupted or to install some mods. If for any reason, you want to have your local save file with you in your hand then you can follow the steps below.

  • Open File Explorer. You can open it by searching “File Explorer” in the Start menu. It’s also usually pinned to your Taskbar.
Far Cry 6 save game location
  • Go to the folder where you installed Ubisoft Connect
  • Go to savegames and then the folder named after your Ubisoft User ID.
  • Over here go to the folder named 5266 which contains your save file.

You can also directly paste the following URL in File Explorer to get to your save file. Replace <Ubisoft-Connect-folder> with the folder where you installed Ubisoft Connect and replace <user-id> with your Ubisoft User ID.



Now that you have your Far Cry 6 Save file, be careful with it. Don’t accidentally delete it. You can modify the save file too but at your own risk of being banned for cheating or corrupting it. Let us know in the comments below if this guide helped you to find your Save file. You can read our other guides here:

  • How to fix Far Cry 6 stuttering issues

Far Cry 6 Save and Config File Location – This guide will help you locate your Far Cry 6 Save and Config (or Configuration) file location in the PC where we have installed your game.

Far Cry 6 being one of the biggest first-person shooter games that are currently available in the market, it is important that you understand certain technical details of the game. Two of the most common technical items that one might need to look at while playing the game are Save and Config files. Unfortunately, finding these two files is a little tricky, and you will have to browse a lot in order to locate them.

The goal of this whole article is for us to make it easy for you to locate them, so that you don’t have to go through all the trouble. We are already doing it for you. Why should you do it again? Just follow the simple instructions that have been given below, and you should be easily able to locate the files.

Far Cry 6 Save File Location

In order to locate the Far Cry 6 Save files, navigate your PC using the following steps:

  1. Go to the C drive
  2. Within C drive, double-click on ‘Users’
  3. Go to ‘Program Files (x86)’
  4. Then double-click on ‘Ubisoft’
  5. Within ‘Ubisoft’, open ‘Ubisoft Game Launcher’
  6. Then double-click on ‘savegames’
  7. Within ‘savegames’, double-click on your user ID (this has been erased in the below screenshot)
  8. Finally, go to ‘5266’

Here’s a snapshot of where you need to go. Please note that the user ID has been deliberately erased. You will see your own user ID here.

Far Cry 6 save game location

Alternatively, as a faster process, just copy this path and paste in your local URL bar:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\<Your User ID>\5266

Here’s a snapshot showing where you need to paste the path. Don’t forget to update the User ID.

Far Cry 6 save game location

Far Cry 6 Config File Location

In order to locate the Far Cry 6 Config file, navigate your PC using the following steps:

  1. Go to the C drive
  2. Within C drive, double-click on ‘Users’
  3. Then go to your user ID
  4. Under your user ID, go to ‘Documents’
  5. Then double-click on ‘My Games’
  6. Finally, double-click on the folder ‘Far Cry 6’

Here’s a snapshot of where you need to go. Please note that the user ID has been deliberately erased. You will see your own user ID here.

Far Cry 6 save game location

Alternatively, as a faster process, just copy this path and paste in your local URL bar:

C:\Users\<Your User ID>\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 6

Where you need to paste the path is the same as mentioned above when you are looking for the Save file location.

The default format of the Config file, as you can see in the above snapshot, is .xml. But for some reason, if there is a need for you to edit the file, then you can do that by opening it with Notepad or Wordpad.

Note: Although the Config file is editable, we strongly suggest that you don’t try to edit it, unless of course you are familiar with the Config file coding and are absolutely confident that whatever changes you do will not cause the game to break. 

If you think this guide has helped you, please let us know in the comment section below.

Also, do check out our other guides on Far Cry 6. Who knows, you might end up finding something you have been looking for!

That’s all, folks!

Last Updated on October 9, 2021

Where does Far Cry 6 save game?

Whenever your game is saving, a autosave icon will appear on your screen. Progress in the downloadable content (DLC) is saved automatically when you complete a Mind Level without dying, or you can save manually by going into a safe house and selecting the save option in the System tab of the main menu.

Where are far cry save files?

Below are the default save file locations by platform:Ubisoft Connect PC C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegame\<UbisoftConnectID>\5210SteamC:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegame\<UbisoftConnectID>\5211PlayStation 4Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data ...

Does Far Cry 6 have save files?

Far Cry 6 supports cross-progression, so you can carry your progress between platforms! Progress in the main campaign is saved automatically. Whenever your game is saving, a autosave icon will appear on your screen.

Where is the save game located?

On Windows, most save games can be found by opening File Explorer and navigating to "%homepath%\AppData\LocalLow". You can do so by pasting that file path into the address bar in your file explorer.