How do you make a copy in Google Classroom?

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There is a simple trick to creating a Google Classroom assignment. Determine the type of assignment before you create it in Google Classroom. Files that are part of an assignment can be set to either students can view file or make a copy for each student. Understanding the difference between these two options is the key to success.

  • Students Can View File: The Students can view file setting allows students to open a file attachment ONLY. They cannot edit the file. It is best suited to instruction sheets or example files.
  • Make a Copy for Each Student: The Make a copy for each student setting produces a unique file for each student in the class. The teacher can see everyone’s work, whereas the student can only access their own personal copy. Apply this setting to question sheets or templates.

TIP: Create a Google Classroom assignment from the Classwork tab in Google Classroom. It provides the Make a copy for each student option. Do not use the Announcements tab as this setting is not available.

Questions to Ask Before Making a Google Classroom Assignment

To start, study the flowchart. It illustrates the type of TechnoKids files you may want to attach to an assignment.

Determine the setting for each file attached to a Google Classroom assignment.

Answer these questions to make a decision:

  1. Are there step-by-step instructions only in the assignment? – students can view file
  2. Does the assignment include questions students must answer?- make a copy for each student
  3. Will students require a template to produce unique work? – make a copy for each student
  4. Does the assignment require a sample that students view? – students can view file
  5. Does the assignment have students begin with a blank Google Apps file? – make a copy for each student

Google Classroom Support

If you are teaching a TechnoKids technology project using Google Classroom refer to the Google Classroom Supportpage for assistance. It outlines step-by-step how to create an assignment. There are helpful tips for setting file properties, converting files into a Google Apps native format, and more!

Our Most Popular Google Technology Project

Every day teachers download TechnoRestaurateur from TechnoHub. They then upload the technology project into their Class Drive folder to set up student assignments. The TechnoKids instructional materials allow them to quickly design a course. By using resources that are already designed such as assignment sheets, examples, templates, and assessment tools they can use their existing Google Classroom to teach a spreadsheet, financial literacy, or entrepreneurship curriculum unit.

Google Classroom gives you 3 ways to attach documents in an assignment.

  • Students can view file
  • Students can edit file
  • Create a copy for each student

When using Google Classroom as a replacement for the Xerox machine, realize that it functions a lot like the Xerox machine. When you take your document down to the copy machine and print off 100 copies and then realize you have a typo, you can NOT fix the 100 copies you made. You have to re-photocopy or live with the typos.

Choosing “Create a copy for each student” creates a copy of YOUR original at the moment you attach it in Google Classroom. This means when you make updates to your original, the updates are NOT reflected in Google Classroom even if zero students have accessed the assignment.

The Copy

Google Classroom does not create a copy of the teachers document until the student clicks on the OPEN button and opens the document. If the you check the assignment folder in Google Drive, you will notice it is empty when you initially assign. As students open the file the assignment folder in Google Drive will be populated. If a student does not open the assignment, no document for that student will be found in the assignment folder.

“Do Not Edit”

In Google Drive there is a folder that says “Classroom.” Within that folder is a folder for each class you create. Within the class folder is a folder marked “Templates – DO NOT EDIT.”

Here is my tip: You can edit!

When you attach a document into an assignment in Google Classroom a COPY of your original is created and placed in the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder. Each time a student opens the assignment the student copy is created off of the copy that is in the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder.

As ominous as the capital letters are screaming at you NOT to edit, you can of course edit.

Any edits you make to the document in “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” will only take effect for students who have NOT accessed the assignment already. Once a student makes a copy by clicking on the assignment in Google Classroom, it is locked. It is a copy and is no longer connected to the original.

If you can manage to make your updates before students have opened the assignment, then all students can have the corrected version of your template.

My trick is to go to my real original where I have made my updates and use Control A to select all. Control C copies. Then I go to the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder and find the template of my original document and open that file. I then Control A select all on that document. Control V paste to override what is on the doc.

But… Students Already Accessed

If some of your students have already made a copy, there is nothing you can do about that. You have access to each student’s document so you COULD open each student’s file and Control A select all and Control V paste the new template onto their document. If the student has made any edits at all, they will probably be upset that you did this.

For the students who have not yet opened the assignment, if you edited the file in the “Templates – DO NOT EDIT” folder, they will receive the updated version.

Updating an Assignment

Unfortunately, you can NOT add a document to an assignment as “Make a copy for each student” after you have assigned the assignment. When you go to edit the assignment your only choices are to attach a file as can view and can edit.

Here is the trick. Open up your original and use Control L to highlight the URL and Control C to copy.

In Google Classroom, click on the 3 dots on the assignment in the stream to edit the assignment. Choose to attach a LINK. Use Control V to paste the link to your document. BEFORE you click “Add,” change the /edit at the end of the link to /copy. See my blog post on this.  When students click on the link on the assignment they will be prompted to make a copy. This copy does NOT go in the Google Classroom assignment folder, but rather to the students Google Drive and it is not shared with the teacher.

Modify the Google Classroom directions to instruct students who already made a copy of the document to click on the OPEN button and to click on the X next to the assignment that is already attached. The student would then click on the “Add” button and attach a file from Google Drive. The student would browse for the file they just copied to attach it in Google Classroom. This shares the document with the teacher and adds the file to the teachers assignment folder in Google Drive.

Why won't Google classroom Let me make a copy?

You only get that option when you first create an assignment. If you want to reuse an assignment, make a copy of it and you should see the option again.

What does it mean to make a copy for each student in Google Classroom?

Make a copy for each student—Students get their own copy of the file with their name added to the document title. For Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides files, both you and the student can edit the document. When students turn in the assignment, they can't edit the document until you return it to them.

How do you duplicate an assignment in Google Classroom?

Click the class and choose an option:.
Reuse an announcement—On the Stream page, in the Share something with your class box, click Reuse post. ..
Reuse an assignment, question, or materials—Click Classwork. Create. Reuse post. ..


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