How many calories are in 3 tacos?

Nutrition Facts For a Serving Size of How many calories are in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of calories in Three Chicken Tacos: Calories Calories from Fat (%) % Daily Value * How much fat is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of fat in Three Chicken Tacos: Total Fat How much saturated fat is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of saturated fat in Three Chicken Tacos: Saturated fat How much cholesterol is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of cholesterol in Three Chicken Tacos: Cholesterol How much sodium is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of sodium in Three Chicken Tacos: Sodium How many carbs are in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of carbs in Three Chicken Tacos: Carbohydrates How many net carbs are in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of net carbs in Three Chicken Tacos: Net carbs How much sugar is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of sugar in Three Chicken Tacos: Sugar How much fiber is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of fiber in Three Chicken Tacos: Fiber How much protein is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of protein in Three Chicken Tacos: Protein Vitamins and minerals How much Vitamin A is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of Vitamin A in Three Chicken Tacos: Vitamin A How much Vitamin C is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of Vitamin C in Three Chicken Tacos: Vitamin C How much Calcium is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of Calcium in Three Chicken Tacos: Calcium How much Iron is in Three Chicken Tacos? Amount of Iron in Three Chicken Tacos: Iron Fatty acids Amino acids * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs.
Nutrition Facts For a Serving Size of How many calories are in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of calories in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Calories Calories from Fat (%) % Daily Value * How much fat is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of fat in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Total Fat How much saturated fat is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of saturated fat in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Saturated fat How much cholesterol is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of cholesterol in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Cholesterol How much sodium is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of sodium in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Sodium How many carbs are in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of carbs in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Carbohydrates How many net carbs are in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of net carbs in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Net carbs How much sugar is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of sugar in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Sugar How much fiber is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of fiber in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Fiber How much protein is in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos? Amount of protein in 3 Beef Brisket Tacos: Protein Vitamins and minerals Fatty acids Amino acids * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs.

There are 166 calories (693kJ) in one serve of Guzman Y Gomez Mild Ground Beef $3 Taco. Use the Nutrition Facts Panel below to see nutrients for per 100g and other weight quantities.


Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Selected Weight

  • Calories224

  • Total Fat (g)12
  • Saturated Fat (g)5
  • Kilojoules936
  • Sodium (mg)209
  • Alcohol (g)0
  • Cholesterol (mg)0
  • Total Carbohydrate (g)17
  • Dietary Fibre (g)3
  • Sugars (g)2
  • Protein (g)10

How many calories are in 3 tacos?

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About This Food

One Guzman Y Gomez Mild Ground Beef $3 Taco weighs 74 grams and contains 166 calories, equivalent to 693 kilojoules. Guzman Y Gomez is a Mexican themed fast food chain originating from Sydney (started in 2006).

Carbs and Fat in Guzman Y Gomez Mild Ground Beef $3 Taco

Each serve of Guzman Y Gomez Mild Ground Beef $3 Taco contains 12.7 grams of carbohydrates and 9 grams of fat.

Similar Foods

Now, you know how many calories there are in Guzman Y Gomez Mild Ground Beef $3 Taco! See these similar foods for comparison: Guzman Y Gomez Mild Grilled Chicken Soft TacoGuzman Y Gomez Mild Grilled Chicken Salad 

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Thanks for choosing calcount to view nutrition information for Guzman Y Gomez Mild Ground Beef $3 Taco. The calcount team does its best to ensure the accuracy of all of the information published in the Calorie Counter Australia website. However, we do not guarantee that all of the published information is accurate and complete. Please remember to consult your medical professional before you take any action in respect to anything you read on this site. Our information includes copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property such as brand names and descriptions which belongs to the respective owners of said property.

How many calories is 3 beef tacos?

There are 520 calories in 3 Tacos or Tostadas with Beef, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Salsa.

How many calories are in 3 hard shell tacos?

Nutritional Summary: There are 600 calories in 1 serving of 3 Hard Shell Tacos.

How many calories are in 3 small soft tacos?

There are 911 calories in 3 Soft Tacos with Beef, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato and Sour Cream. * The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet.

How many calories are in 3 Street steak tacos?

District Taco 3 Steak Tacos (1 serving) contains 63g total carbs, 52g net carbs, 33g fat, 51g protein, and 770 calories.