Life is just a bowl of cherries original

The singer who introduced the song "Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries" was Ethel Merman. She published the song in George White's album "Scandals" (1931). A Rudy Vallée version was also recorded in 1931. Jack Hylton later composed a version of the song (1931) without lyrics. Judy Garland issued her copy of the song in Judy 1956.

"Life Is Just a Bowl of Cherries" was a very popular song at the time of its release. The original music was by Ray Henderson, and the lyrics came from Lew Brown. The phrase 'life is just a bowl of cherries' in the song is used to express the idea that everything is going very well in life.

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Who said life is just a bowl of cherries?

This phrase is often used ironically, as in My husband is about to get laid off—life is just a bowl of cherries, right? Originating as the title of a song (1931) by Lew Brown (lyrics) and composer Ray Henderson, this term expressed the idea that everything was going very well.

What is the saying life is like a bowl of cherries?

something that you say that means that life is very pleasant. This phrase is often used humorously to mean the opposite. Want to learn more?