Little Red Riding Hood and wolf costume for Dog

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Below you will find easy to follow instructions on how to build a Grandma costume from Little Red Riding Hood for your dog.

For this month’s Michael’s Makers challenge, we were to get creative and make Halloween costumes and since
Little Red Riding Hood happens to be one of my favourite childhood stories, it was an obvious choice. I of course recruited our sweet Bella to play Little Red and other family members
to play the rest of the cast…

Meet Brody, as the big bad wolf. Except our sweet boy just likes to smile and has a difficult time looking ferocious.

My handsome hubby who kindly  left work early, changed out of his business clothes super quickly, so I could take photos of him before the sun went down and didn’t shave his beard
for this very purpose.  I think he looks super hunky.

I must admit that though I don’t love Halloween and I was a little worried about having to make a costume, this has been one of the funnest projects I have done.
Because it was truly a family affair.  I’m not very good with the sewing machine and my dad and mom happen to be amazing at it, so over the weekend. I picked up
a package of fabric felt  (2 yards) from Michael’s.  And in less than 20 minutes my dad had cut out a hood and my mom had sewn it in place. I realize I probably should have taken
photos as I went along, but they were super quick and before I knew it it was done.

This adorable chipwood handle basket is one of many at Michaels and it was perfect for Little Red’s costume.

There were actual muffins in the basket, and Brody, I mean the Big Bad Wolf was very attentive…

The wolf’s ears were super easy to make. Simply cut two ear shapes cover with pink felt. Cut a slit at the bottom, fold over and secure with hot glue.
Cover back with faux fur. Cover a headband with fur using hot glue and glue ears onto head band.
For the axe, I simply cut the shape of an axe out of cardboard, spray painted it silver and hot glued it onto a dowel, which I painted brown.

The fur on Brody’s chest is just a piece of faux fur glued at one end to form a tube, similar to an infinity scarf.

Oh Brody…stop smiling and get into character.

Oh no!…

Just kidding! No big bad wolves or grannies were harmed in the making of this post.


Some behind the scenes with my sweet family minus our other teenage son, who fortunately for him, had injured his ankle and could not make it.

Though this was to be just another idea post, it turned out to be more than that. I rediscovered how much I am loved and supported by my beautiful family.
From my sweet parents sewing the costume to my teenage kiddos ‘risking’ being seen dressed up in the woods by their peers, to my amazing hubby who believes in me
even if it involves him looking like a lumberjack (which I think suits him) to my gentle dog trying to be ferocious. Life is made beautiful in these crazy, unexpected moments and today I feel overwhelmingly blessed.

Thank you so much for dropping by today.

much love,



Whether you’re into spooky sights, playful pumpkins or giggling ghouls, the Halloween project page has tons of ideas for DIY Halloween costumes and décor.

Still haven’t decided what you’re going to be? Check out the other 49 DIY costumes from the Michaels Makers and you might just find the perfect one for you, your kiddos or your beloved pet this Halloween.


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