Should I grow my hair out Male Reddit

Mainly because I was fixated on it. I can't explain at core why, I just did, like explaining why I like a certain flavour or why a certain sound annoys me. Very long haired characters of either gender sort of hypnotized me.

Despite not being able to come to fruition (because no school allowed it) it never left my head. It was persistent and created some internal "noise", so sometimes I would get ideas like becoming a hairstylist, finding a rapunzel-like girl, encouraging female friends to keep growing their manes or looking for longhaired male friends so that I could get "closer", or saving a bunch of money then buying wigs. But eventually the urge and frustration to not being able to "live it" without depending on others, to know what it's like hit me like a frozen salmon, and I decided I had to give it a try at least once at college.

My goal at first was just clavicle length. But as it grew I kept changing my mind (curiosity, pleasing sensory input, desiring more versatility, a sense of control and rebelliousness to external pressure, a sense of feeling "exotic") and now I am at navel length trying to achieve the final goal, which is the longer layers reaching the upper zone of my buttocks similar to this example. I dunno if I will prefer it, or will end up cutting some length to get back to waist, but I want to get there first and work it for a while before making a judgement.

It was very difficult. Tons of comments, questions and backlash, in and out of home. Add to that a perfectionist streak on myself (and undiagnosed BDD) and I often got heavy pyschological swings because of it rarely looking "right" or "enough". Even if I knew the awkward phase was really common and would end eventually (thanks to this sub!), having to face it day after day was very exhausting and I often felt it just wasn't for me. One week it got so bad (along with other difficult situations in my context) that I had two episodes of trichotillomania (self hair-pulling), starting with leg hair then my scalp. Fortunately those were isolated moments and likely there wasn't permanent damage (It's hard to say as I can't count follicles nor do I know how many strands I pulled) but I'm still waiting till those spots grow longer and blend again with the rest, and now every day there's an uncomfortable reminder of what I did, of when "i lost the plot". Most people don't notice when my hair is loose (dark color) still I try to conceal it a bit, but some of my close friends know why i have random small short strands.

I try to avoid things that make me end up in a worse mental state (such as social media, being sleep deprived or eating crap food or spending too much time in the mirror or not being hydrated) and try to remind myself when I get a "bitchy" episode that it likely will pass, and thus I need to refocus in the meantime rather than giving it tons of weight ("Not again. Look Blerp, you've been there before, and then you look back and cringe, let's go listen some music and take a nap VS "This is it. I am totes sure of what I'm gonna do, it feels right therefore it is. Imma book an appointment").

Here's what I'd say, as a guy with fairly long hair (at my shoulders):

It depends partially on what kind of hair you've got. Thick, thin, wavy, straight, greasy, fluffy, whatever.

I love my hair being long, but it's not very greasy naturally, and has inherent waves to it, and it works well with my beard.

Some dudes look fucking awful with long hair.

Hope I’m not too late. Guy with hair past my shoulders down to the pointy part on the back of your neck.

I have wavy hair and use leave in hair conditioner just about every day, and wash about 2/3 days a week depending if I do work outside. I have issues with frizz, is there a way to keep single hairs from frizzing out?

I've had short hair all my life (I'm 17) so have no experience in anything hair, both hair products and care and even brushing combing or really anything to do with styling. Long hair has always looked so amazing but just been sort of an unattainable goal to me. But now I've decided to try it but im already in the awkward stage and still have no idea what to do!

I've looked through this subreddit and r/malehairadvice but having found anything really comprehensive on wtf to do.

Help on what tools I need, how to style what, what products to use to do what, brands to trust, everything A to Z really, would be great!

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