Why does my dog chew my other dogs ears

Most dogs aren’t known for their discriminating taste buds. They’ll lickpractically anything— including the ear cavities of other pups.

According to Dr. Amy Pike, DVM, of Veterinary Behavior Consultations in St. Louis, Mo., both dogs could potentially be at risk.

“If the dog being licked has an ear infection, and is being treated with topical medication, it could cause the dog doing the licking to get an upset stomach, due to ingestion of the medication,” says Dr. Pike, although she adds that such treatments usually aren’t poisonous.

If the dog being licked doesn't have an ear infection, he may wind up with one.

According to Dr. Pike, the saliva from the other dog's mouth could lead to a continually moist ear, which is “a nice environment for yeast and bacteria to flourish.” This can cause otitis externa, an external ear infection.

If a dog engages in this behavior frequently, he may have a compulsive disorder that requires veterinary attention. (The dog being licked should also be examined by a veterinarian for signs of an ear infection.)

“He may need more environmental enrichment, something like a long-lasting chew to keep him occupied,” suggests Dr. Pike. “If the licking is truly a compulsive disorder, behavior modification and psycho-pharmacologic intervention may be necessary.”

There's also another option: the dreaded Elizabethan cone. According to Dr. Pike, sometimes a physical barrier is enough to help interrupt the obsessive behavior.


Dogs are very social and playful pets especially with their owners or people they are comfortable around.

They can also be very ferocious when it comes to strangers and sometimes, to fellow dogs as well.

This can make it a tad bit difficult to figure out some of the good play behaviors and those that might come off as aggressive.

Good play behavior is important especially when your dog is playing with other dogs.

This helps to reduce conflict between the dogs playing and dog owners.

The conflict between dog owners mostly arises when one of the dogs gets hurt from the play fighting.

Slightly aggressive play behavior that gets noticed is not always bad, but dog owners should be careful when it gets to that.

This is especially when the dogs are not too familiar with each other; they might end up injuring each other in the name of play fighting.

This can make it a bit confusing to figure out what some actions such as biting and nipping mean.

This is because if misinterpreted, it could lead to the harm of one of the dogs or both of them.

So why do dogs bite each others’ ears? Should you be worried?

There are several reasons why dogs like to bite each others’ ears and we will go ahead and talk about them below:

1. They bite each others’ ears to assert dominance

This is because, ears are a vulnerable spot for dogs.

So when one dog bites the other sometimes, it can be interpreted to mean that the other dog is trying to get the other dog to submit by asserting its dominance over the other dog.

They mostly do that just for fun and not trying to start fights or anything.

Most dogs that do this are usually from an older litter just trying to prove themselves, like a way of bullying but just as ego games.

2. They bite each others’ ears to be playful

Dogs’ ears usually are interesting to look at and play with — thus when dogs see especially floppy ears.

They seem intriguing to the dog and many at times, the dogs tend to bite them as a way of showing that they would like to play with the other dog’s ears.

3. They do it when fighting to prevent the other dog from getting a proper bite

When the playing gets too aggressive, dogs bite the dogs’ ears during a fight to prevent them from getting a bite at the other dog.

This particular reason is mainly applicable when the dogs are fighting and have stopped playing.

It can, on rare occasions, apply to when they play fight as well as they try to nip at each other.

4. It can be a way of bonding and between the dogs

Dogs communicate with their mouths through biting.

And thus biting each other’s ears is a way of showing how at ease they are with each other and they feel safe together.

It makes the other dogs know they are in no danger and it’s all fun and play.

5. It is part of socialization

Used by dogs when they try to invite other dogs to play with them.

It’s like a show of acceptance to the other dog that is not part of them.

It also makes them feel comfortable with each other.

6. It is part of grooming

This probably does not make sense to humans, but dogs biting each others’ ears and licking them as well as a way of grooming themselves.

They do that to each other to check for ear mites that are found around the dog’s ears.

Well, some of the dogs just like to eat ear wax for some reason that does not make sense to us.

it probably sounds disgusting but that’s just how it is, they like how it tastes.

Does it hurt when dogs bite each other?

Dogs bite each other mainly during play fighting where the dogs keep biting each other and will take constant breaks from each other to communicate that they are not fighting.

They usually get to understand from a young age the pressure to be applied when biting with the purpose o the bite.

If the dogs biting each others’ ears do not take constant breaks, you might be caught up in a dog fight.

If in your case as a dog owner, the dogs starting yelping or you notice one of them try to get away from the other one, it is best to break the fight and separate them and signal to the other dog owners about the situation.

But so long as there are no visible signs of blood and hostility, the dogs are just playing fighting and you have nothing to worry about.

Should you be worried when your dog does it?

This depends on the situations below:

  • Are the dogs playing with your dog dogs you trust? If not, it is advisable to be extra careful to monitor their playing.
  • Is there any sight of blood? If there is blood, the playing should stop and the dog that is bleeding should get cleaned up.
  • If the biting is getting a bit aggressive, that might just be the signal to stop the playing .it is also important to teach your dog what they can do when playing and what they cannot to avoid future injuries.

NOTE: Ear biting amongst dogs is very normal but sometimes the dogs insert their tongues a bit too deep thus causing ear infections in the other dogs. This makes it important to take your dog for checkups regularly for examinations.


It is important to know that dogs mostly use their mouths through biting and nipping to communicate with other dogs.

If there is no cause of alarm, you don’t need to be in distress.

You just let the dog do its thing and make new friends.

See Also

Dogs exhibit a wide range of behavior that you may not notice in other canines. One of which is nibbling on another dog’s ears. So what does it mean when a dog bites another dog’s ear? Most of the time, it’s a case of rough play or a show of dominance. What you need to watch out for is if the ear-biting will become aggressive. Still, it’s best to discourage this behavior so your doggo won’t do it on other canines it plays with.

Why does my dog chew on other dogs’ ears?

Every dog is different and so are their reactions when surrounded by other canines. But if your pooch interacts by biting the ears of another dog, you should consider the following reasons: read more here can a puppy be liable for a dog bite

1. Your dog wants to play

Playful biting is very common in canines. They do this to other dogs as well as their humans. Most of the time, these playful bites are harmless and will not press into the skin or draw blood.

As a dog grows older, it learns that biting can both be a mode of defense and a way to get someone’s attention. By biting another canine’s ears, your dog might be thinking “Hey, let’s play!”.

Dogs get attracted to another canine’s ears because it’s an easy target. It’s a flappy body part that’s very easy to bite. In return, the bitten dog will retaliate with play fighting.

You have to pay close attention to this behavior since it can turn aggressive and become a full-on dogfight. As much as possible, distract your dog so it will stop biting the other canine.

2. Your dog is teething

Puppies that are less than six months old are still in the teething phase. Like humans, dogs will undergo two teething phases: the first during their first weeks and the last one between 4 to 6 months. This is to shed the baby teeth and grow the adult ones.

This process is very uncomfortable for puppies. With this, they will bite and chew to soothe their aching gums. And since dog ears are soft and accessible, don’t be surprised if your pup suddenly targets another canine’s lobes.

3. Your dog likes the taste

Another possible explanation here is that the dog likes the taste of another canine’s ears. The other dog’s ears might be salty and smelly, which draws the attention of your pooch.

Like any other reason, you should discourage your doggo from doing this. If your pooch happens to taste an aggressive canine’s ears, it might erupt into an explosive dogfight. please read here how to safely break a dog fight.

4. Your dog is asserting its dominance

Dogs nibble on another’s ears to assert their dominance. It’s their way of saying who the boss is since they have the courage and strength to bite someone’s ears. Canines can do this to humans as well.

This happens a lot if your dog is threatened by the presence of another canine. Take note that this gesture is a precursor to dogfights and can be a sign of aggression.

5. Your dog is aggressive

Lastly, biting another dog’s ear can be a sign of outright aggression. This means that your dog wants to assert its territory and defend it by starting a dogfight. please read here how to put ear drops in uncooperative dog

Many things can trigger this behavior, including the other dog getting near your pet’s food, toys, or bed. Some dogs will also be in protective mode if another doggo tries to get near you. please read here why does my dog leave food around the house

Aggressive ear-biting is often accompanied by bared teeth and gums, flattened ears, deep growling, and raised hackles. You should intervene as early as possible to stop the brewing dogfight. You can also call the other dog’s owner to separate the two using the wheelbarrow method.

How do I stop my dog from biting another dog’s ears?

Even though ear-biting might become an annoying habit of your dog, there’s a way to stop it. The following are some of the effective ways:

Intervene early

The moment you see your dog targeting another canine’s ear, call its name as a distraction. When the doggo comes to you, give it a reward. This will teach your dog that leaving other canine’s ears alone earns him something.

You should never tolerate ear-biting as this can progress into a bigger behavioral issue. It’s best to intervene as early as you discovered the habit. read more here why does my dog nibble my ear heres the explanation

Train the dog

Training is an integral part of curbing negative behavior in dogs. Start with basic obedience that includes commands like ‘stop’, ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘leave it’, and name recall. All of these commands will give you more control over your doggo.

So next time your dog bites some other canine’s ears, you can command the pooch to stop the behavior. Positive reinforcement goes a long way here so make sure that you load up with tasty treats.

Divert the biting

If your pup is teething, you can stop them from biting dog ears through chew toys. These toys will help soothe their sore gums instead of seeking the chewy ears of other canines.

Make sure that you get safe chew toys that are appropriate for your dog’s size and age. For pups, softer chews are ideal to prevent damaging their sprouting teeth and young gums.

Meanwhile, older doggos can make use of tougher chew toys, especially if it’s a large, aggressive chewer.

Take note that violent punishments are no-nos when correcting a dog’s behavior. If you want to teach your dog the idea of consequence, you can put it in time out in an enclosed room for five minutes.

Make the ears unattractive

If your dog is biting your other pet’s ears, you can spray a small amount of bitter apple on its lobes. This way, your dog will taste the awful flavor once it tries to bite the ears again. It’s like weaning a baby off its binky.

Take note that you should only use safe solutions here. Avoid pepper or anything that will burn your dog’s mouth. Of course, it should also be safe for the dog whose ears are being bitten. Read also my article Why Are My Dogs Ears Floppy All Of A Sudden.

Why do dogs bite other dogs’ necks?

When a dog bites another canine in the neck, it can mean two things: playfulness or aggression. During rough play, the doggo will not sink its teeth on the flesh of the other canine. It will also release the canine in a few seconds so it can playfully fight back.

However, if the canine being bitten whimpers in pain, you should intervene right away. This could be an aggressive bite that will become disastrous in no time.

Why do dogs lick human ears?

Your ear might have a nice taste, which is why your dog can’t stop licking it. However, if the licking is slowly turning into nibbling, you should stop the dog right away. This might be your pet’s way of getting your attention or starting playtime. You’d never want to reward and enforce it by giving in to what the dog wants.

On the flipside, licking your ears might be your dog’s way of showing affection. While it’s not typical for canines to groom their selves, they lick their pack members as a means of affiliation.

Lastly, you should think about the last time you cleaned your ears. The oils and earwax might be too much that your dog is already sniffing it out. Please read my article how to get wax of dog hair.

Does biting your dog on the ear really work?

Some pet owners suggest that biting your dog by the ear will help establish your dominance and stop the canine’s biting habit.

However, the truth is that this weird myth doesn’t work. Aside from the mouthful of fur and nasty taste, biting your dog’s ear will only branch out to more problems.

For one, your doggo might think that you’re playing with them. In the long run, your pooch will do the same to you.

Also, biting your dog’s ear might create a tensed environment whenever your pooch is around you. This might drive the dog away, something that you’d never want to happen.


What does it mean when a dog bites another dog’s ear? It’s usually a playful gesture, but it can also turn aggressive, depending on the dog’s behavior. Whatever it is, you should correct the habit so it won’t hurt other dogs and annoy pet owners. Take note that you should never punish your dog for it because violence will only cause more problems in the long run. Patience, consistency, and proper training are the key to fix the problem.


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