How to use row background theplus

Introducing The Plus Addons for Elementor with more than 120+ Powerful Widgets & Extension, 300+ UI Essential Blocks & 18+ Ready-to-use templates with the most advanced functionalities including Blog builder, Woo Builder, Mega Menu, Filtered Gallery and much more to supercharge your Elementor like never before. Whether you’re working on your Perfect blog, creating a sale generating online store or building a website for your next big idea, you can do it all with Elementor when you have The Plus Addons for Elementor.

Enjoy a Complete No-Code experience and build everything with your simple mouse clicks. No Technical knowledge required, just plug-in and Get Started.Crafted with care and love to seamlessly integrate for smooth & happy workflow to impress your clients. Perfect for Bloggers, Freelancers, Marketers, Agency Owners, Designers and anyone who loves using Elementor giving you the freedom to innovate.



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👑 Exclusive Features of The Plus Addons

  • Free Blog Builder for Elementor to customize anything
  • WooCommerce Store Builder for Elementor to build custom Checkout, Cart pages, Thank you page etc. 🔥
  • One-Click Auto Widget Scanner to Turn off Unused Widgets (Includes Elementor FREE & PRO Widgets too)🚀
  • Regularly Audited by Top Security Experts 🔐 View Certificate
  • Free Cross-Domain Copy Pasting to easily copy a piece of content images
  • FB & Google Events Tracker to help you track events, button clicks for conversions
  • Vertical and Horizontal Mega Menu Builder for Elementor 🔥
  • Display Facebook and Google Review directly on your site
  • Social Feeds to display content from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo 🔥
  • Custom Login and Signup Form for Elementor
  • Carousel Anything converts any sections in carousel 🔥
  • High converting Popup Builder for Elementor Sites
  • Custom Display/ Visibility Logic for Elementor 🔥
  • Custom Elementor Skin Loop Builder for any Post and CPT 🔥
  • Add Preloader and Page Transition to your Elementor sites
  • Custom Cursor for Elementor
  • Integrated with ACF, Toolset, Pods, WooCommerce, Mailchimp and more
  • Supports RTL | WPML or any Translation | Multisite
  • Optimized Code Delivery with Ultra Light Modular backend architecture
  • SEO Friendly, A/B Tested Designs and Mobile Friendly
  • Compatible with most WordPress themes like Nexter, Blocksy , Kadence, Astra, OceanWP, GeneratePress, Neve etc.

and much more explore more below

„This might be the only Elementor Addon you ever need“ – WP Learning Lab

„An amazing plugin,i think it is a kind of full pack addon for elementor“ – GO TECH UG

Check all our Widgets & Extensions in details below ⤵️

🏆 35+ Free Widgets & Extensions

  1. Blog Builder – Customize everything in your WordPress Blog page template with Elementor to create any type of blog page easily. The only Blog Builder widget set you will ever need for your WordPress site which includes | | | | | | |
  2. BlockQuote – Highlight quotes, sayings and text content in style with lots of customisation options to play with.
  3. Buttons – Proven Styles, Powerful Options and Incredible UX for Most common element of website building, It’s a plus buttons for WordPress using Elementor.
  4. Countdown – Create amazing dynamic countdown designs. It’s suitable for coming soon, under maintenance, and other timer sections. Create Urgency to boost sales
  5. Heading Title – Simple and Multi Purpose Heading title options with magic scroll, tooltip, scroll animation and Full Typography options for WordPress using Elementor.
  6. Infobox – Amazing widget to show important information in your website .Infobox is proven and with breakthrough UI/UX element for WordPress using Elementor.
  7. Navigation Menu Lite – Using Plain Theme, Theme builder or elementor pro and looking forward to having a navigation menu? Here you go using this option. Create extraordinary navigation bars with unlimited opportunities
  8. Piechart – Most basic web elements are designed in a creative way to showcase your charts visually appealing way. Customise Pie Chart in Elementor the way you want and You will have multiple options of Its animations on First Load and Scroll.
  9. Post Searchs – Make all your pages searchable using an amazing search bar widget, which searches using WordPress’s main search function. Design with tons of options.
  10. Pricing Tables – We care for your money, So It’s most amazing and designed based on AB tested philosophies to make it an Elite pricing table for WordPress using Elementor.
  11. Progress Bar – Use this widget for a multipurpose way to show your progress bar, skill bar, value bar, percentage bar or any other kind of Value in Progress bar format in Elementor using this amazing, versatile and fully customisable widget.
  12. Social Icon – Your handy tool to create amazing social media icons and set up links. It has tons of social icon styles to use in WordPress using Elementor
  13. Video – Brilliant tool with Powerful options to showcase your Youtube, vimeo and Self-hosted videos in style for WordPress using Elementor.
  14. Heading Animation – Elite tool to showcase multiple text with incredible typing animations with lots of customisation options for WordPress using Elementor.
  15. Flipbox – Showcase your services and eye-catchy content with most attractive and with powerful UX structure on WordPress using Elementor.
  16. Smooth Scroll – Some pages of your site needs amazing smooth experience. You can do it using this plugin to have a smooth scroll effect for amazing UX in your elementor website.
  17. Accordions – Sensational way to showcase your accordions with crafted design styles and options to create uniquely for WordPress using Elementor.
  18. Tabs/Tours – Presenting most advanced and powerful Tabs and Tours style collection with unlimited customisation options for WordPress using Elementor.
  19. – This widget is the combination of Full Page JS, Multi Scroll JS, Horizontal Scroll and Page Piling JS. Which are most popular in unique one-page websites.
  20. Caldera Forms – Proven Look and Feel of Caldera Forms with elegant improvements to get amazing UI and UX for all your forms in WordPress using Elementor.
  21. Contact form 7 – Proven Look and Feel of Contact form 7 forms with elegant improvements to get amazing UI and UX for all your forms in WordPress using Elementor.
  22. Everest Forms – Proven Look and Feel of Everest Forms with elegant improvements to get amazing UI and UX for all your forms in WordPress using Elementor.
  23. Gravity Forms – Proven Look and Feel of Gravity Forms with elegant improvements to get amazing UI and UX for all your forms in WordPress using Elementor.
  24. Ninja Forms – Proven Look and Feel of Ninja forms with elegant improvements to get amazing UI and UX for all your forms in WordPress using Elementor.
  25. WP Forms – Proven Look and Feel of WP forms with elegant improvements to get amazing UI and UX for all your forms in WordPress using Elementor.
  26. – Supercharge your blog listing layouts and It’s customisation options.
    Grid | Masonry | Metro | Stagger Load
  27. – Advanced Image Gallery styles with tons of options to create creative layouts.
    Grid | Masonry | Metro
  28. – Team member showcase with some unique concepts with 6+ base styles.
  29. – Collection of 6+ styles of testimonial listing with tons of customisation options to create unique layouts.
  30. – Showcase your company client logos with amazing layout options.
  31. Equal Height(Developer Friendly)ADVANCED – Using this option, You can set up equal height for your listing loops as well as with your standard widgets. This can be expanded to long to equal height any same widgets by tracking their div structure or their common CSS class.
  32. Wrapper Link – You can add link on your whole section/row, Column and any widget using this option. It can be easily added and opened in the same tab or new tab.
  33. Age Gate – Use an Age gate verification for your Elementor site to protect the content of your site based on age with the date of birth, Yes or No questions
  34. Message Box – Create a simple alert box using creative options provided by Message Box widget for Elementor with tons of styling and customization options. Use it on your website to provide a more interactive feel to your users.
  35. Advanced Text Block – Add your most important text content with maximum possible options. It have all cosmetic, typographic and Responsive options as per regular needs.
  36. Glass Morphism – Get Frosted Glass effect with blur controls to attain GlassMorphism CSS for Free in Elementor. No CSS Coding knowledge required, simply slide to add Blurry Glass effect on any Elementor widgets, section or columns
  37. Advanced Shadow – Create an amazing Shadow effect by providing box shadow, drop shadow and text shadow for any elements of your website using Neumorphism
  38. Cross Domain Copy Paste – Use „Plus Copy“ to transfer your Elementor Sections, Widgets & Columns from One site to another with simple method. It will change the way you are using Plus Design Templates, You just need to Live Copy from our demo pages and Paste on your website directly.
  39. Dark Mode – Best way to create dark mode feature for elementor pages and posts by adding a widget in the footer or header area for best possibilities. It has best in class Night Mode / Dark Mode options with unique switcher options to customise.

🏆 75+ Pro Widgets & Extensions

  1. Audio Player – Widget to showcase your single music file or a playlist of music. It can be a must-have widget for the entertainment category’s websites/projects
  2. Instagram Feed – Fastest and Easy to configure Instagram feed widget ever made for elementor. You can get feed using an access token or using just a username or the Instagram profile of anyone. Detailed grid options for unlimited customisations and unique layout options for Instagram feed.
  3. Login/Signup – Setup WordPress Login form, WordPress member Signup form or/and Forgot password form using one compact elementor widget. Best for WordPress based membership websites.
  4. Woo- Builder – Create a completely personalised WooCommerce store for your customers without any custom coding. Using our Ultimate WooCommerce Store Builder widget sets
    | | | | | | | | | Woo Swatches |
  5. Pricing List – Easiest way to showcase pricing of food menu or any list of items. You can use this for restaurant menus, service lists and other ways using elementor. It can be used versatile way by using Its unique options.
  6. Protected Content – Hide content from website visitors based on a simple passwords, Multiple Passwords, or based on their WordPress user role. You may use that for coupon code options, for client panels and various usages on your website.
  7. Stylist List – Make a list with great customisation options, Unique layouts and Many value-added options to reach an extra level of design for the stylish list on WordPress using Elementor.
  8. Table – Create Simplest Table in Elementor or Complex Layout needs in elementor, Table widget for elementor will help you in that. It can be useful for all kinds of comparison tables, Pricing Tables, or Busy Table Layouts with tons of options in Elementor.
  9. Advanced Typography – Collection of top typography options for elementor such as knockout text, magicscroll typography, text blend mode, arc typography, circular text, underline to hover styles, shadow 3d typography, Vertical text & stroke typography options to create most advanced minimal structures.
  10. Advanced Buttons – Attractive, Easy to use, conversation friendly, and A/B Tested collection of buttons with multi-purpose usability in elementor page builder.
  11. Advertisement Banner – Make amazing CTA banners for your sale, offers, or any kind of promotional activities. Layer based hover effects make it very unique and eye-popping.
  12. Animated Separators – Multiple row/section and column shape dividers with unique options to configure that as per your needs. Style based on wavey JS which you can implement on any place and you can adjust shape separator’s animations and Its shape divider size.
  13. Animated Service Boxes – Showcase your services, features, and other information in style using this widget of elementor. It can be used as an Animated box, Interactive banners, Info Box, Interactive cards, Animated Features, Interactive box and other ways.
  14. Before After – Introducing the fastest and easiest way to compare images to showcase before after by horizontal, vertical and opacity based system for WordPress Using Elementor.
  15. Carousel Anything – Make your carousels with all stunning options and with the power of templates of elementor. You can use any elementor widgets with various carousal options in this elementor widget.
  16. Carousel Remote – Connect and play with any carousel of the plus addons using this widget. You can connect just using a unique id and put this widget anywhere to create some creative layouts.
  17. Circle Menu – Display your call to action menu with amazing style and based on the open/close method to keep it small in the beginning. It has a bubble menu, flat menu and other variations.
  18. Creative Images – Change the way you put images on websites, Show It with great details effects and animation based on hover/scroll in WordPress using Elementor.
  19. Draw SVG – You can use draw animation on any SVG in elementor, It can be drawn on the first load or You can set up that on hover draw option. You can draw SVG in Elementor Multiple Ways using multiple options to use from.
  20. Dynamic Devices – Love showcasing content inside beautiful laptops, Desktops, Mobiles and Browser Screens? This element is for you.
  21. Hotspot/Pin Point – Highlight your points or Create Hot spots on your images to showcase your points. We also have 6+ creatively picked hotspot styles and advanced tooltips with unlimited options to set up in.
  22. Image Cascading – Biggest and most brilliant plugin for layered images, Sections with layers, Cascading layouts in WordPress using Elementor.
  23. Lottiefiles Animations – Looking animation which are quite engaging and a crafter by the top in class motion designers to use in your next web design project? Try this elementor widget, which will help you to achieve that just by using JSON code made from Lottiefiles.
    Lottiefiles On Scroll
  24. Morphing Sections – Wondering how to make your Blob Shape SVGs with animated morphing shape? This widget of elementor will help you to do Blob SVG Path morphing, Dynamic blob Shape Overlay in Image Gradient and Normal Color. This tool animate blob SVGs and shape morphing in your row and column background.
  25. Off Canvas – Any Elementor Widget or menu now in a stylish way with the unique variations of Off-Canvas elementor widget. Many customisation options make it unique and multi-purpose in all elementor addons.
  26. Process/Steps – Special Widget made for showcase process/steps with unique layout variations. It have text indicator, special steps styles and more customizability options.
  27. Scroll Navigation – Best widget for creation of one-page scroll navigation to give the feel of one page and easy to navigate on a long page. It’s the most popular web design trend to have one-page websites and this widget will improve UX by having nice scroll navigation.
  28. Time line – All your timeline layout needs will be fulfilled using this widget of elementor. It can be useful for Organisation History Timeline, Startup Storyline, Event/Program History TimeLine, Step by Step Tutorials Timeline, and Lifetime Achievements and many more ways.
  29. Unfold – Hide your content and Expand that on click to show more information. You can use this widget in elementor to show information with title and description as well as with elementor template.
  30. Row Background – Sensational piece of code to create premium, layer based and uniquely advanced Section Backgrounds in WordPress using Elementor.
    Gallery Background | Parallax Background | Segment Background | Special Backgrounds | Video Background
  31. Switcher – Introducing amazing content switcher for your pricing table, Info Sections, Services and many other layouts on WordPress using Elementor.
  32. Page Scroll – This widget is the combination of Full Page JS, Multi Scroll JS, Horizontal Scroll and Page Piling JS. Which are most popular in unique one-page websites.
    Page Pilling | Multi Scroll 50/50 | Multi Scroll 30/70 | Horizontal Scroll Color Change | Horizontal Scroll Fix Image Change | Horizontal Scroll Image Change
  33. Navigation Builder – All needs related to navigation and whole header section is covered under our collection of widgets for elementor. You can create a search bar, woocommerce mini cart, music bar, login section, mega menu and many more using this elementor header builder widgets.
    | |
  34. Breadcrumb – Wondering for amazing tool to showcase your text content? Infobox is proven and with breakthrough UI/UX element for WordPress using Elementor.
  35. Mobile Menu – Special elementor widget made for mobile devices, It will give mobile application look and special menu designs for your website in this mobile-first web world.
  36. Google Map – Advanced or simple needs of maps, We have covered all. One of the best elementor google map widgets with lots of options and multiple marker pinpoints.
  37. Mailchimp Subscription – Amazing Collection of Heading styles for your next project. It has simple yet elegant styles to create unlimited different Looks and Layouts.
  38. – Supercharge your blog listing layouts and It’s customisation options.
    Carousel | Grid | Filter | Lazy Load | Load More | Messy Columns | Pagination
  39. – Advanced Image Gallery styles with tons of options to create creative layouts.
    Carousel | Filter | Messy Columns | ACF Gallery Field
  40. – Amazing Collection of unique product listing styles for WooCommerce.
    Carousel | Filter | Grid | Lazy Load | Load More | Masonry | Messy Columns | Metro | Pagination | Style
  41. – Team member showcase with some unique concepts with 6+ base styles.
    | | |
  42. – Collection of 6+ styles of testimonial listing with tons of customisation options to create unique layouts.
    | | |
  43. – Showcase your company client logos with amazing layout options.
    | | | Lazy Load | Load More | | Paginations
  44. – Supercharge your dynamic listing layouts and It’s customisation options.
    Custom Loop Skin | Dynamic Listing | |
    ACF Repeater Field
  45. Dynamic Category – Show categories or taxonomy listing of any custom post type in style using listing methods like Grid, Masonry, Metro and Carousel options and on top of that, there is options for 3d Parallax, Mouse move parallax and Messy columns.
  46. – Supercharge your dynamic listing layouts and It’s customisation options.
    Magazine Slider | Magazine Filter | Dynamic Ticker
  47. Mouse Cursor Icon – Using this widget you can change mouse cursor or icon, setup follow cursor image or you can set up text-based mouse cursor style. Which help your visitors to know about any column or you can improve your UX.
  48. Mouse Cursor – Customize your default mouse pointer with the best custom Mouse Cursor widget for your WordPress site.
  49. Allows you to turn any post into a tool that lets visitors jump to any other post in just one click with Post Navigation. And use
  50. Preloader & Page Transitions – Add Preloader in your Elementor site easily via the Preloader widget with Image, Icon, Text, Lottie Files , Custom Code , Shortcodes, Progress and many predefined animations
  51. Social Feed – Display your Social Feed from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo within a few clicks, fetch feed automatically from your social media accounts and get it displayed on your website easily with the best social media widget for WordPress.
  52. Social Reviews – Add Social Reviews & Badges from Google & Facebook, showing reviews and ratings from your customers is the best way to get someone’s trust. The social reviews widget will automatically connect your social media reviews to your website. Saves you time and a lot of effort.
  53. Social Sharing – Add Social Sharing Icons on your WordPress website. Easily share your page content over Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, and over 22 more social sharing using this
  54. Table of Contents – Automatically add Table of Contents without any hassle or coding. Create a Dynamic Generated Table of Contents using the best Table of Contents widget for Elementor. Automatically generate the dynamic Table of Contents for your post, page, and custom post type content.
  55. Number Counter – Your all needs covered regarding showcase of numbers. This widget is with all needed options and customisation variations to make your achievements looks at it’s best.
  56. Source Code Syntax Highlighter – When it comes to getting feedback or sharing your code, you need a tool that provides different colour schemes to choose from, depending on multiple codes. Say Hello to syntax highlighting for over 25+ programming languages that can be embedded as a live preview for your WordPress website.
  57. Plus Search Filters – Setup most complex filter websites with ease using Plus Search Filters widget. It will change the way you build your data-rich websites with an elementor page builder.
  58. Search Bar – No need to go to another page to check your search results. Check that right below your search bar and even that in the most elegant way possible using elementor page builder.
  59. – Now change your column order in different devices. Best for Navigation Menus and Other Creative Layouts.
  60. – Setup Column’s Width | Margin | Padding | Visibility | Order Sequence for different breakpoints based on @Media Min/Max Width Value(You Can Add Multiple Values too using Repeater.).
  61. – Use Pixels | Percentage | Calc Function
  62. – Make Column Sticky based on height of other columns in row.
  63. Display/Conditional Rules – Enable/Disable any Elementor widgets based on multiple conditions and logic, Which gives you enormous possibilities for unique and out of the box logic in Marketing or Web Management Part.
  64. – Looking for some amazing effects for each widget? Now, You can use mouse move based parallax in elementor widgets, Special Scroll Overlay dual colour effects, Tilt 3D Hover Effects, and Continuous animation effects in elementor widgets.
  65. – Looking for some amazing effects for each widget? Now, You can use mouse move based parallax in elementor widgets, Special Scroll Overlay dual colour effects, Tilt 3D Hover Effects, and Continuous animation effects in elementor widgets.
  66. – Looking for some amazing effects for each widget? Now, You can use mouse move based parallax in elementor widgets, Special Scroll Overlay dual colour effects, Tilt 3D Hover Effects, and Continuous animation effects in elementor widgets.
  67. – Looking for some amazing effects for each widget? Now, You can use mouse move based parallax in elementor widgets, Special Scroll Overlay dual colour effects, Tilt 3D Hover Effects, and Continuous animation effects in elementor widgets.
  68. Global Tooltip – In today’s two way communication, Tooltips are are popular and increase interactiveness on your website. Best Global tooltip option available in elementor. Tooltips are almost in all possible elementor widgets and with tons of customisation options for tooltips.
  69. Facebook & Google Event Tracker – This feature is to track all Facebook pixel and google analytics conversion events from your WordPress Website made by Elementor Page Builder. It tracks each tag’s click events and Submits button events for form builder widgets.
  70. White Label – You may change each and every detail of plugin to your own or your client’s. It will give personalisation to your client projects.
  71. Grid Design Tool – Multiple elementor designer productivity & testing oriented features, Which help designers to achieve their best possible creative level.
  72. MagicScroll Integration – Have you heard about ScrollMagic in Elementor? Most of all of our elementor widgets have ScrollMagic Options in Plus Extras to create unique layouts. This is the best Scroll Magic option available in elementor till now.
  73. On Scroll Animation Content – Amazing On Scroll Animations for all your individual widgets of elementor, You can set up one-time scroll animation in elementor widgets or dual scroll animation in elementor widgets. It has more than 30 Animation styles for scroll animation for elementor widgets.
  74. Row Section Scroll Animation – Looking for Options like 3d Section | Row Animation on scroll, Reveal Animation, Content Fly animation on content, Special Content visibility options from different directions and Other effects based on scroll? Your search will end here using this Elementor widget.
  75. – Add your custom CSS in any Row/Section or Column
  76. – Your website landing page is a few clicks away using our ready-made, responsive website templates. It will have more demos coming very soon.
  77. – Your website landing page is a few clicks away using our ready-made, responsive website templates. It will have more demos coming very soon.

If this Plugin adds value to your business, please share your valuable review ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ to encourage for future improvement.
❤️Thank you 👉 ADD 5 STAR

🔍 Check our other Products

🥇 The Plus Addons for Gutenberg – Making sites on Gutenberg will never be this easy. With more than 70+ Blocks to build your perfect site.

🥇 NexterWP Theme – Get the complete WordPress experience with Nexter. Build on ultra light architecture with tons of features


  • How to use row background theplus
    Collection of 100+ Free & Premium Elementor Widgets and Features.
  • How to use row background theplus
    We have developed this for exceptional performance for all your Elementor websites.
  • How to use row background theplus
    Craft your navigation menu using Elementor with great layout options and flexibility.
  • How to use row background theplus
    Your all listing needs are covered under our series of listing widgets with in-depth options.
  • How to use row background theplus
    Wrapper Link, Global Tool Tip, Elementor Pro Compatibility, Magic Scroll, Cross-Domain copy and paste and lots more extra features to supercharge your Elementor.
  • How to use row background theplus
    Build creative and unique websites using Full Page, Page Pilling, Horizontal Scroll, and Multi Scroll in Elementor page builder.
  • How to use row background theplus
    Most Elementor widgets for forms are covered such as Caldera forms, Gravity Forms, Everest Forms, Ninja Forms, Contact Form 7, WP Forms and more are coming soon.


⚠️ NOTE: This plugin is an extension for Elementor Page Builder

Elementor Page Builder plugin must be installed and activated to use our plugin.

☑️ 5 Steps for Installation

  1. Go to ‘Plugins’ option in your dashboard and select ‚add new‘
  2. Search for ‚The Plus Addons for Elementor‘ and install it
  3. Now You will have all widgets available in your Elementor Panel. You may check categories like “Plus Essential”, “Plus Listing”, “Plus Header” and so on.
  4. You may enable/disable widgets & features from The Plus Settings from Dashboard.
  5. Congratulation, Now your site is ⚡ SUPERCHARGED, Get ready to build amazing websites

👉 Watch this Quick Installation Guide under ⏱️ 60 Seconds

For Gutenberg Block Editor, check The Plus Addons for Gutenberg

Časté otázky

Does Elementor is required to use this plugin?

Yes. You need to install & activate the Elementor plugin first to get access to The Plus Addons Widgets & Features.

Elementor Panel in the editor is freezed and shows a spinning circle.

Make sure your memory limit is set to 768M or higher, If you have multiple elementor addons installed and you are having an issue with the elementor panel loading icon and freeze.

Is the issue created due to The Plus Addons? No. This is not anyone’s bug/issue. It’s just because, If you want to use more widgets, Your server needs more memory limit to use everything in your backend.

My Hosting Provider doesn’t allow a higher memory limit, What to do? If that is the case, You just need to disable all unused widgets from The Plus Addons and all other addons you have installed. This will reduce the need for the required memory limit as the total number of active widgets will go down.

Everything is messed up in Backend. Or Everything looks perfectly fine in the Backend but has issues on the frontend.

Make sure you have removed cache from The Plus Settings → Performance → Purge all cache. Furthermore, remove cache from all your 3rd party cache plugins. Moreover, remove your browser cache by hard reload and/or test your site on incognito mode.

Your Font Awesome Icons are not visible?

You need to turn on compatibility for font awesome 4 from Elementor -> Extra Settings.

My Backend Speed is down after installation of The Plus Addons.

We do not load any extra files, which will reduce your backend performance. But, If you are having issues with loading in the Elementor panel with more delay, That means You need to increase your memory limit. If you can not increase the memory limit, You need to disable all unused widgets from The Plus Settings ->Plus Widget as well as from all other Addon plugins you have installed on your website.

My Frontend website loading Speed is down after installation of The Plus Addons.

We have the most advanced caching architecture, Which will never bloat your site. Know more about our caching architecture. We have some tricks and suggestions to improve frontend performance.


Great plugin

Archie Moreno 28. decembra 2022 2 replies

Plugin has a lot of features, which is awesome, but several of the modules need little polishing for better integration with elementor and some modules have minor bugs currently, as of this moment / version of the plugin. I would give it a 4 star because of that but the amazing customer support they provide definitely helps to add a start to it : ))) Thank you!

Great features

mofata1968 27. decembra 2022

This package comes with great widgets and features

Good customer support!

bazouuuka 22. decembra 2022

I found a couple of critical errors in their plugin that were related to woocommerce, after which I contacted support and they promptly answered me and solved my problem without shifting the responsibility to me that something did not work because of me.Which gave me an understanding that these guys are interested in their work and take full responsibility for their work.And I know for sure that if I find some bug in their plugin, they will quickly fix it and release a new plugin update and fix the bug for all people.

Plus add-on for Elementor

Filmskisan2015 13. decembra 2022

Fantastic plugin and even better support team, reply within a few minutes, really surprising and for every praise. Good job guys, wish you all the best.

Great support

aporg44 9. decembra 2022

We paid for pro because of the extra features, but the support is really worth it. The one time we had an issue it required a code change on their side. Support managed to supply us a fix ahead of the release, within 24 hours of reporting the issue. We are very happy with the service provided for the price. Great value, and very helpful support.

Complete and useful addons

mik421 9. decembra 2022

Works great, lot of possibilities and usefuls addons and last but not least fast and good support

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“The Plus Addons for Elementor | FREE Elementor Widgets & Elementor Templates, Header Menu, Blog Post Builder, Dark Mode, Full-Page Scroll, Cross Domain Copy” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.

  • Ankit Patel
  • Nirmal Kavaiya
  • Sagar Patel

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