Which is the best definition of professionalism?

If you’re looking to ruffle some feathers, try telling someone their conduct at work is unprofessional. The indignant reply will most likely be something along the lines of, “what do you mean I’m not professional? I dress in expensive designer clothes, I wear shoes nicer than yours, and I always arrive at work on time. How can you possibly tell me that I’m unprofessional?”

The challenge with the word “professional” is that it means different things to different people. What you as a leader interpret as professional is likely not identical to what your employees consider professional. To complicate matters further, here’s the definition of professionalism in the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.” Thanks Merriam-Webster, glad we were able to clear that one up.

As elusive as a concrete definition of “professionalism” is, we all notice it when it’s present, and notice even quicker when it’s lacking. Most of us know at least one team member who lost their job because they didn’t exhibit professional behaviors consistently.

It’s important to note that professionalism can be completely unrelated to competence. You may be the very best at executing on the technical competencies of your job, but totally lack any semblance of professionalism. Professionalism has less to do with what you do in your job (the results you produce) and a lot more to do with how you produce those results. It’s also important to note that professionalism varies for different people and different organizations. In some companies I work with, launching the “F-bomb” is an accepted part of their culture. In other companies, uttering that 4 letter word will get you fired, no matter what your rationale was for doing so.

It may have many varying definitions, but here are a couple of aspects that should be a part of your personal definition of professionalism at work:

Consistent attendance: Some team members never miss work, and always arrive on time. Other team members have a more relaxed attitude towards attendance and punctual arrivals. Even if your organization is pretty relaxed, build a reputation as someone who is on time, every time. This isn’t limited to arriving on time to work in the morning. Make sure you arrive in a timely fashion to meetings and other commitments, too. When you show up late, you indirectly tell people that their time is not as valuable as yours. That is not professional behavior in any organization.

Be accountable: Professional employees consistently deliver the results they are accountable for, on time or early. Make sure you hold yourself accountable for delivering the results expected of you, in a timely and consistent manner. And if something prevents you from doing so, let people know well in advance.

Go the extra mile: My father once told me, “Do whatever it takes to stand out and be seen as someone who goes the extra mile. There is very little traffic along that extra mile.” Are you willing to do whatever it takes to help your employee or your boss be successful? Go above and beyond, and give it your all.

Communicate respectfully…to everyone: Most people would agree that communicating respectfully with your boss or members of the senior management team is a given. But when you’re a true professional (and a decent human being), you also speak respectfully to the janitor, the receptionist, and the people who may not have the ability to immediately help you achieve your goals. Being gracious and polite will help you in most interactions. When that doesn’t work, at least no one can say you didn’t conduct yourself professionally.

Stay calm: Responding with emotional outbursts or letting your emotions negatively impact your ability to communicate with others will undermine your professionalism. When you feel your emotions rise, don’t respond right away. It could be 5 minutes, an hour, or a day. A little time to think, or to re-read your email before you hit send, will help rein in a response that is coming from a place of emotion, rather than professionalism. It’s ok to show emotion at work. When those emotions take over, however, it undermines your ability to achieve your goals, and erodes your professionalism.

Gossiping: Enough said. If you have time to gossip, then you don’t have enough work to do. When people see you gossiping instead of working, and your boss does nothing to stop it, you both lose professionalism points. Truly professional people don’t have time to spread drama around the workplace.

Shoot straight: When professionals communicate, they are direct, timely, and honest. They communicate with the goal of helping, not hurting, the receiver. They tell the truth in a way that allows the other party to accept the truth. We’ve all heard that jackass arrogantly say, “I was just being honest. It’s not my problem he didn’t like the truth.” Professional people communicate in a way that is helpful and motivational.

Good judgment: This is a pretty broad one, and a lot of examples fall into this pot. Take swearing, for instance. When I was a teenager and I used a foul word, my mother would respond with, “There are a lot of words in the English language. Do you think you could come up with another?” The problem with swearing is you never know who you will offend. You could spew out a string of foul words, and some people wouldn’t bat an eyelid. On the other hand, some people are offended by the relatively mild word “damn”. Professionals communicate what they need to without the risk of offending someone with their word choice.

Stinkin’ thinking: People, in general, like to be surrounded by positive people. The workplace is no exception; people like working with team members who have a positive attitude. People who are always negative think they are realists, but often don’t realize that others consider their negativity a lack of professionalism.

Right about now, you may be thinking I missed an important one – appearance. I’m with you. I believe that your appearance goes a long way towards your professional image. However, I’m going to take a contrarian stand on this one. Today’s world is rapidly changing. If half your head is shaved, the other half is dyed neon pink, you have gauges in your ears, your jeans are ripped, and you’re rocking Michael Jackson’s one glove, good for you. I will still consider you professional, IF:

  • Your attendance is consistent and timely
  • You are accountable
  • You are willing to go the extra mile
  • You communicate respectfully to everyone
  • You stay calm and focused, even in the most difficult situations
  • You don’t gossip, and are a great communicator
  • And last, use good judgment

As my 14-year-old daughter tells me, “Dad, they’re just expressing their individuality. It doesn’t mean they’re not great at what they do.”

Professionalism in the workplace is tough to define in today’s rapidly changing workforce and culture. For the first time, millennials will outnumber baby boomers in the workforce, and they’re bringing their own ideas of professionalism with them. New companies are appearing at a blistering pace, and many are fond of workplace cultures where t-shirt attire and bringing your dog to work are perfectly acceptable. Though people may struggle to define professionalism, they have no problem identifying a person who lacks it. Make sure your conduct is up to scratch, no matter what your personal definition of professionalism is.

Speaking of which, what IS your definition of professionalism? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Which is the best definition of professionalism?

By the way, have you downloaded our new white paper yet? Beyond Engagement: 8 Proven Strategies to Workplace Excellence outlines 8 proven strategies top-tier organizations are using to create workplace cultures where the highest caliber of engaged talent thrive. Download your free copy here: ow.ly/JYWx6

This shows grade level based on the word's complexity.

[ pruh-fesh-uh-nl-iz-uhm ]

/ prəˈfɛʃ ə nlˌɪz əm /

professional character, spirit, or methods.

the standing, practice, or methods of a professional, as distinguished from an amateur.


Were you ready for a quiz on this topic? Well, here it is! See how well you can differentiate between the uses of "was" vs. "were" in this quiz.

“Was” is used for the indicative past tense of “to be,” and “were” is only used for the subjunctive past tense.


First recorded in 1855–60; professional + -ism

profession, professional, professional association, professional corporation, professional foul, professionalism, professionalize, Professional Standards Review Organization, professor, professorate, professoriate

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Professionalism most commonly means the state or practice of doing one’s job with skill, competence, ethics, and courtesy.

Professionalism is based on the word professional, which is commonly used as an adjective to describe someone who works in this way—someone who shows professionalism. Professionalism is shown by people who take their work seriously and respect the people they work with.

The word professionalism can also be used to distinguish the practices of a person who gets paid for their work from those of an amateur (which is someone who does it for fun).

Example: That level of skill, dedication, and professionalism are exactly what we’re looking for in our next production manager.

The first records of the word professionalism come from the mid-1880s. The word professional is recorded earlier, in the mid-1700s. It comes from the word profession, referring to one’s occupation—what one does for work. The root of all these words is the Latin professiō, meaning “public acknowledgment.” (The English words profess and professor are related.)

Someone who shows professionalism is good at their job—they’re skilled and competent—but the word often implies more than that. People described as true professionals conduct themselves in a way that shows respect for those they work with, as well as anyone else they might interact with as part of their job, such as customers. The word is often used in reference to those with experience and a knowledge of how to act in the workplace, but you don’t need to have experience to show professionalism.

Professionalism is always used positively. It’s often used in job listings seeking an employee who will work with professionalism and in compliments about such workers.

Which of the following words does NOT describe someone who is showing professionalism?

A. courteous B. respectful C. reliable

D. inconsiderate

civility, expertise, rectitude, respectability, competence, probity, steadiness, thoroughness, acumen, dedication, facility, reliability, sophistication, willingness

  • Follow-up emails show responsibility, eagerness, and a certain level of professionalism.

  • Her polished professionalism is criticized, as if being a polished professional is a bad thing.

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  • Little the criminals knew about the professionalism of journalists.

  • Physicians will regain our professionalism when we stop participating in this circus.

  • It is beyond belief, and it is shocking that someone who makes claims of professionalism would lower himself to this level.

    Morrissey Denies Ordering Hit on Fan|Tim Teeman|July 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • Bloomberg conveyed a sense of professionalism and of someone very much in control.

  • Physicians, for instance, exhibit professionalism when they practice medicine without concern for the patient.

    Herein is Love|Reuel L. Howe

  • Teachers exhibit professionalism when they teach their subject as an end in itself or for their own satisfaction.

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  • In the first place, professionalism is marked by condescension in which an attitude of superiority is evident.

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  • Professionalism impoverishes relationship because, for instance, neither the parent nor the child gives or receives.

    Herein is Love|Reuel L. Howe

  • He said it was cockney impudence because it lacked the professionalism he expected.

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British Dictionary definitions for professionalism

the methods, character, status, etc, of a professional

the pursuit of an activity for gain or livelihood

professionalist, noun, adjective

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


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